U.S. Department of Education, via Wikimedia Commons
The bill HR 6585, aimed at [ppp1], was approved by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce last month, a development that was largely anticipated. Despite previous attempts, the bill has faced delays in the Senate primarily due to disagreements regarding the eligibility criteria for for-profit providers and the funding mechanisms. The latest version of the House bill now incorporates for-profit entities, subject to meeting specific quality benchmarks. Additionally, a contentious provision seeks to finance the workforce Pell program by discontinuing federal student loans to the wealthiest educational institutions in the country.
While challenges to its enactment persist, the workforce Pell initiative is poised to become legislation in the coming years, driven by the pressing need to integrate job training into the prevailing academic curriculum framework prevalent in high schools and colleges.
HR 6585 addresses the unfulfilled commitment to providing gainful employment as outlined in “A Nation at Risk,” a seminal report released in 1983 by the National Commission on Excellence in Education. This report catalyzed nearly four decades of educational reforms that have culminated in the current juxtaposition between traditional academic pursuits and vocational training.
The seminal call for educational transformation in “A Nation at Risk” underscored the significance of gainful employment alongside academic competitiveness. It emphatically stated,
“Our nation is at risk. Our once unchallenged preeminence in commerce, industry, science, and technological innovation is being overtaken by competitors throughout the world … What is at risk is the promise first made on this continent … that all children … can hope to attain the mature and informed judgment needed to secure gainful employment.”
Fast forward forty years, the reformative efforts have progressed through the educational continuum. The momentum towards transparency regarding post-graduation employment outcomes and earnings has been steadily growing with initiatives such as [ppp2], [ppp3], and potentially [ppp4]. The workforce Pell program reinforces the commitment to gainful employment articulated in “A Nation at Risk” by introducing a vocational dimension to an educational framework predominantly centered on academic coursework and degrees.
The notable bipartisan backing for the workforce Pell program is noteworthy, marking a departure from the turbulent history of workforce training policies at both secondary and postsecondary levels.
In the realm of secondary education, vocational education underwent a significant transformation post “A Nation at Risk.” The shift away from traditional high school vocational programs was driven by valid reasons—amidst the deindustrialization of America, the job market for high school graduates witnessed a decline, rendering such programs less effective. Moreover, concerns regarding the inequitable tracking of students based on race, class, and gender led to the reevaluation of vocational education.
The resurgence of vocational education in the form of career and technical education (CTE) heralded a pedagogical advancement that enabled students to engage with academic content in practical contexts within high schools. Students enrolled in CTE programs demonstrated higher graduation rates and college enrollment compared to their non-CTE counterparts. However, CTE, while beneficial, falls short of providing comprehensive job training necessary for gainful employment.
On the workforce training front, the U.S. lags behind many economic counterparts in investing in vocational education and training programs. The deficiency in funding, coupled with the absence of differentiated vocational programs in high schools, as highlighted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), underscores the inadequacies in the current workforce training landscape.
Renowned labor economist Harry Holzer has long advocated for robust workforce training policies. Holzer critiques the dwindling federal investments in training programs since the peak during the Carter administration, positing a vicious cycle where low funding results in diminished impact, justifying further budget cuts, and perpetuating the cycle of ineffectiveness.
While the introduction of the workforce Pell program signifies a positive step towards bridging the gap between academic coursework and vocational training, there are inherent limitations that need to be addressed. The focus on equity issues related to college degree accessibility is paramount. Expanding the availability of community college bachelor’s degree programs, leveraging community colleges for workforce Pell utilization, and streamlining transfer processes to four-year institutions are crucial steps towards realizing the comprehensive educational continuum envisioned in “A Nation at Risk.”
Anthony P. Carnevale, the director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, provides insights into the evolving landscape of education and workforce policies.