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### Ranking of CU Boulder Graduate Programs in US News & World Report

Numerous graduate programs at CU Boulder rank in the top 25 in the United States, as per the latest U.S. News and World Report rankings.

Key points from the rankings include:

  • Environmental law has advanced to the 7th position, marking an improvement of eight places.
  • Atomic/molecular/optical physics, geology, and physical chemistry maintain their positions in the top 10.

Scott Adler, the dean of the Graduate School and vice provost for graduate affairs, acknowledged the consistent recognition of CU Boulder as a top institution for graduate studies. He credited the exceptional efforts of students, faculty, and staff for this achievement, highlighting their dedication to ensuring student success and growth.

While not all programs are updated annually, this year’s rankings are awaited for engineering and clinical psychology, areas where CU Boulder has traditionally excelled.

In the 2025 rankings, CU Boulder has either retained its previous positions or made advancements in various disciplines. These rankings encompass both public and private institutions.

Notable programs ranked in the top 10 nationally include atomic/molecular/optical physics (4), environmental law (7), geology (7), and physical chemistry (8).

CU Boulder’s graduate programs in quantum physics (11), psychology (12), condensed matter physics (13), Earth sciences (14), audiology (15), physics (17), sociology of population (17), and education policy (19) are positioned in the teens nationally.

Furthermore, several other departments and programs at CU Boulder are recognized among the top 25 nationally for their graduate offerings, including speech-language pathology (21), education curriculum and instruction (22), and the fine arts program (23).

For a comprehensive list of CU Boulder’s graduate rankings, refer to the U.S. News College Compass subscription. Stay tuned for the upcoming release of additional rankings in engineering and clinical psychology.