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### Supporting Trine Student’s Semester in Greece: Scholarship Assistance

Trine University Student’s Spring Semester in Greece

A student from Trine University is currently immersed in her spring semester in Greece, courtesy of a prestigious scholarship facilitated by the U.S. Department of State.

Cheyanne O’Dell, a major in general studies: pre-legal hailing from Elkhart, embarked on her journey to Athens on Jan. 13, with plans to conclude her trip on May 11.

Studying at Webster University in Athens, Cheyanne is enrolled in a program that entails three classes every eight weeks, all of which align with her major at Trine.

During the current period, she is delving into two psychology courses along with an Introduction to the Greek Language. In the upcoming period, her academic focus will shift towards International Law, Consumer Behavior, and a course centered on exploring the archaeological wonders scattered across Greece.

Academic Pursuits and Cultural Immersion

Cheyanne’s interest in studying abroad was sparked early in her academic journey at Trine.

Driven by a desire to explore beyond her homeland, she was inspired by the glowing reviews of the transformative experiences shared by individuals who had previously studied abroad.

It was through her interaction with Haseeb Kazi, the faculty advisor for Trine’s Study Abroad Club, that Cheyanne learned about the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program, a prestigious initiative supported by the U.S. Department of State. This program serves as a platform for financially disadvantaged students to engage in educational pursuits or internships overseas.

The scholarship application process involved responding to inquiries and crafting three essays that shed light on her background, proposed service project, and her envisioned role as a cultural ambassador for the United States during her time abroad.

Overcoming the initial apprehension towards the essay requirements, Cheyanne sought guidance from Dr. Kazi, who provided valuable insights and suggestions for enhancing her submissions. Ultimately, she secured a $3,000 scholarship to support her academic endeavors and service initiatives abroad.

Service-Oriented Project and Cross-Cultural Encounters

As part of her service project, Cheyanne plans to document the experiences of individuals she encounters during her travels, creating a compilation of short videos capturing their perspectives on their respective homelands. Upon her return, she intends to weave these clips into a comprehensive video to be shared with children aged 5-13, aiming to foster curiosity about diverse cultures and inspire a spirit of global exploration among young minds.

Enriching Experiences and Global Connections

Cheyanne reflects on her time in Greece as nothing short of extraordinary. She expresses gratitude for the insightful tours and guidance provided by her instructors upon her arrival, which familiarized her with the local surroundings, including essential amenities and transportation options.

Her daily routine comprises several hours of classes, with Fridays typically free from academic commitments, allowing her time to venture out and explore the captivating surroundings.

Living alongside roommates from varied cultural backgrounds such as Egypt, Georgia, and Venezuela has provided Cheyanne with a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives. Engaging with her roommates has been a source of enlightenment, offering glimpses into their diverse life journeys.

Encouraging others to embrace the prospect of studying abroad, Cheyanne underscores the importance of seeking guidance and advice from mentors like Dr. Kazi. She emphasizes the value of early planning and proactive decision-making, citing her own journey of meticulous preparation that bolstered her confidence and excitement for this transformative experience.