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### Bermuda High School IB Exhibition in Pictures

The Year 13 IB art and design students culminated their work in the exhibition titled “Collectively Out of Sync.”

As stated by a spokesperson, the final art exhibition, “Collectively Out of Sync,” showcases the creative endeavors of Bermuda High School’s Year 13 IB art and design students. Over a two-year period, these students have meticulously crafted a personal body of work delving into various themes such as body image, spirituality, identity, and the captivating landscapes of Bermuda.

The talented artists highlighted in this showcase include Maya Bean, Kaitlyn Burnard, Lily Cornes, Tyler Dietz, Jasmine Douglas, Kelsey Dyer, Ryan McDowell, and Saria Robinson. The exhibition is set to take place in The Joy Bluck Arts Wing of the Innovation Centre at the BHS campus from March 13 to 27. All are welcome to immerse themselves in the exhibition and witness firsthand the future of the Bermuda arts scene! A selection of artworks from the exhibition will also be available for purchase; for pricing and availability, please reach out to [email protected].

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