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### Urgent Need for Educational Reform as Over 300,000 Thar Children Remain Out of School

At a recent conference organized by the National Commission on the Rights of the Child (NCRC), specialists highlighted the critical educational situation in Tharparkar, Sindh. The gathering, spearheaded by NCRC’s representative for Sindh and Minorities of Pakistan, Pirbhu Satyani, united members of civil society and educators to address the urgent challenges confronting the children in the district. Satyani stressed the commission’s dedication to tackling these issues through national conferences and seminars.

Core Problems Identification

The seminar unveiled that despite Tharparkar accommodating 90% of primary schools, there exists a notable scarcity of high schools and colleges, leaving more than 300,000 children devoid of educational opportunities. Pratab Shivani, Chief Executive Officer of the Thar Education Alliance, underscored the importance of granting educational access to these children and suggested an incentive scheme for teachers, similar to the benefits doctors receive, to promote teaching in remote regions.

Community Perspectives and Suggestions

Furthermore, the conference showcased perspectives from various speakers like Jitesh Rathi, Raja Sharma, and others, who put forth a variety of remedies ranging from streamlining birth certificate procedures to offering merit-based scholarships for minority students. The dialogue emphasized the necessity for enhanced infrastructure, including school furniture, boarding facilities, and tailored provisions for educating displaced children.

Future Outlook

The conference wrapped up with a pledge to advocate for the recommendations of civil society to the federal government for enhancing education in Thar. The collective involvement of educators, civil society members, and governmental entities was acknowledged as pivotal in addressing the educational challenges faced by Thar’s children. As deliberations progress, the aspiration is for substantial policy revisions and endeavors that will narrow the educational disparity in one of Pakistan’s most underprivileged districts.