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**Advocating a Holistic Approach for Education System Assessment Reform by GNACOPS**

“In the ever-evolving realm of education in Ghana, notable advancements have been made in curriculum enhancement and educator training. While laudable changes have been implemented, a pressing issue that requires immediate attention, as highlighted by Obenfo Nana Kwasi Gyetuah, the National Executive Director of the Ghana National Council of Private Schools (GNACOPS), is the antiquated assessment system.

Mr. Gyetuah underscores the necessity for a paradigm shift in assessment methodologies, advocating for the abandonment of outdated practices that prioritize rote memorization over comprehensive learner growth.

The predominant focus on exam-driven evaluations hampers creativity, critical thinking, and practical application skills, thereby impeding the nation’s potential for future advancement.

Despite the transformative winds blowing through educational settings, the persistence of obsolete assessment techniques poses a significant obstacle,” notes Gyetuah.

He promotes an educational framework that transcends mere exam achievements, aiming to cultivate a profound comprehension of subjects and promote the pragmatic utilization of knowledge to tackle real-world issues.

The head of GNACOPS accentuates the significance of nurturing virtues such as empathy, resilience, dedication, and collaborative spirit as integral components of character development.

He contends that assessments should mirror and endorse these values, striving to nurture a cohort of individuals who excel not only in their professions but also contribute positively to society.

Gyetuah warns that the failure to rectify the current scenario could have far-reaching consequences. He stresses that without an overhaul in assessment methodologies, there is a risk of producing a workforce ill-prepared for the demands of a rapidly evolving global landscape.

In a world that embraces innovation, flexibility, and interdisciplinary cooperation, Gyetuah elucidates that assessment strategies must evolve to meet these changing demands.

Mr. Gyetuah advocates for a holistic reassessment of the evaluation process in Ghana. In his capacity as the leader of GNACOPS, he champions a system that nurtures critical thinking, practical skills application, and character enrichment.

The goal is to metamorphose classrooms into breeding grounds for well-rounded individuals equipped to confront the challenges and prospects that lie ahead. He asserts that the journey towards a more promising educational future commences with redefining the metrics of success.

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