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### Bunnie Xo Responds to Middle School’s Refusal to Suspend a Female Student

There was a heated exchange between Delisa Patrick, a mother from Tennessee, and the Rutherford County School district recently. Each party stood firm on their version of events, which sharply contradicted one another.

Meanwhile, Bunnie’s wife is navigating through the conflicting narratives as she supports a middle school girl who admires both her and her country superstar husband.

The saga began when Patrick claimed that her daughter Kalista was suspended for depicting Jelly and Bunnie in drawings as part of a school assignment focusing on influential figures. This story quickly gained traction.

  • Patrick explained that her 14-year-old daughter chose to draw Bunnie and Jelly due to the challenges they’ve overcome. However, a teacher objected, citing their past experiences with prison, drugs, and sex work as inappropriate.
  • Despite the objection, Kalista proceeded with her artwork, which can be viewed here.
  • The assignment, conducted at Christiana Middle School, aimed to illustrate individuals who had influenced the students.

Upon learning about the incident, the celebrity couple decided to intervene. Bunnie personally reached out to the Patrick family and even launched a line of limited-edition t-shirts featuring designs inspired by Kalista’s drawings on her website. The proceeds were designated to support the young fan.

The t-shirts quickly sold out, but sales were halted after an hour due to emerging conflicting accounts and discrepancies between the Patrick family and the school district regarding the incident and whether Kalista faced repercussions for her drawings.

Bunnie Xo’s Response to the Rutherford County School District’s Statement

Bunnie responded to the school district’s social media post, acknowledging herself as an “original poster” but refusing to remove her comments until she verifies the truth.

She challenged the district’s denial of the incident, stating that the parents have evidence of their child’s three-day suspension. Bunnie also disputed the district’s claim of reaching out to her personally and reiterated her intent to advocate for the child involved.

In a separate update, Bunnie explained the temporary halt in merch sales after receiving unverified accusations against the mother. Despite the allegations, Bunnie affirmed her support for the child and her commitment to ensuring the proceeds benefit her.

Amid unfolding developments, Bunnie assured her followers of her dedication to safeguarding the funds for the young girl and emphasized that the mother never sought financial assistance. The focus, she reiterated, remains on the well-being of the daughter.

The Patrick family disclosed that Kalista faced bullying incidents, resulting in physical injuries. Bunnie, drawing from her own past experiences of abuse and bullying, empathized with Kalista’s struggles and vowed to stand by her in solidarity.

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