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### 3 Easy Steps to Begin Your Coding Journey

This year, a significant number of 50,000 technology workers have been displaced from their positions, adding to the already high number of 260,000 individuals who experienced job cuts in 2023.

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However, despite the recent job losses, the tech employment landscape is generally thriving, as per expert assessments. The tech sector’s unemployment rate saw a slight increase to 3.5% in February 2024. Looking ahead, roles in computer and information technology are anticipated to expand significantly faster than the national average in the coming decade, with median annual incomes just surpassing $100,000.

It’s evident that coding stands out as one of the fundamental hard skills essential in the tech and computer science domains.

According to [Chief Academic Officer’s Name], chief academic officer at [University Name], “Mastering coding is akin to unlocking a novel form of literacy, enabling us to engage with machines, creatively solve problems, and materialize concepts into reality. It empowers us to shape the future, foster innovation, and assume the role of technology creators rather than passive consumers.”

While acquiring coding skills can be financially rewarding, especially for those eyeing lucrative job prospects, the learning curve is undeniably steep.

Nonetheless, the argument can be made that learning to code is becoming more accessible due to increased availability and advancements in artificial intelligence. AI technologies can now efficiently generate basic code and identify errors, streamlining the development process for programmers.

“Large language models (LLMs) excel in generating basic code,” Yongpradit mentions. “Yet, in the era of AI, mastering coding remains critical as it equips students with the capacity to identify and rectify errors in AI-generated code, nurtures essential higher-order thinking skills such as reasoning, problem-solving, and critical analysis, and imparts insights into the foundational principles of technologies that are increasingly shaping our world.”

Three Simple Steps to Commence Your Coding Journey

1. Explore

To kickstart your coding venture, delve into areas of technology that ignite your passion. Pay attention to the websites you frequent, the video games you enjoy, and the applications you use. Identify what captivates you, sparks curiosity, and envision what projects you would find intriguing to develop.

Experiment with platforms like [Coding Platform Name], offering a playful environment to delve into coding basics through interactive games. Alternatively, immerse yourself in coding tutorials on YouTube to spark inspiration.

In essence, stay curious, pose questions to yourself, and contemplate whether this path aligns with your career aspirations.

2. Learn

Numerous avenues exist for learning coding skills. Educational institutions nationwide are integrating programs and courses to introduce students to computer science from an early age, sometimes even in elementary school. While formal education at community colleges and universities offers comprehensive coding instruction, grasping the fundamentals will serve you well regardless of where you begin your coding journey.

Here are five learning resources worth exploring:

3. Build

Establishing a portfolio not only validates your skills to yourself but also to educators and prospective employers, propelling you towards a tech career. Your portfolio need not be extravagant.

Coding courses may introduce you to text editors or integrated development environments (IDEs) to facilitate code creation. Tools like [Tool Name], [Tool Name], or [Tool Name] can aid in developing your coding projects.

Initiate your coding odyssey by crafting simple games like tic-tac-toe or rock-paper-scissors using Python or another coding language, gradually honing your skills.

Remember, mastering coding is a time-intensive process that cannot be rushed. The silver lining is that proficiency can be attained in a matter of months, rather than years, and a traditional four-year degree is not always a prerequisite.

Kunal Ahuja, head of consumer business at [Company Name], suggests that individuals with no prior coding experience can realistically prepare for job applications within three months of dedicated learning.

“If one can fully commit and immerse themselves in the learning process, you can achieve proficiency in three to six months. Some may take longer, up to a year or a year and a half. That’s the spectrum,” he emphasizes.

Above all, learn at your own pace and follow your interests. It’s not a race. Avoid burnout, as tech opportunities are plentiful and enduring. And most importantly, remember to enjoy the learning journey.