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### Provost’s Office Task Force on General Education Reform

At Pitt, we are committed to enriching every undergraduate’s academic experience with transformative opportunities to learn, grow, and thrive without increased financial burden or time to degree. To further this ambitious goal, the Office of the Provost and Academic Leadership Team has convened a task force comprised of faculty, advisors, staff, and students from across all

Read More about ### Provost’s Office Task Force on General Education Reform

### Explore the World: Spring Semester Study Abroad

Want to get ahead on course requirements and study abroad during spring break or after finals in May? Enroll in a three-credit, faculty-led study abroad course this spring break or spring May abroad.  These study abroad courses are part of your spring semester course load. Learn alongside CWRU faculty and classmates while exploring a new country with over 10 course offerings this spring. Apply to study abroad.

Read More about ### Explore the World: Spring Semester Study Abroad