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### Global Giving: ASU Family’s Investment in Media Study Abroad

The obstacle of high expenses often obstructs students’ dreams of studying abroad and establishing global connections during their college years. Fortunately, the unwavering support of Adelaida V. and Barry S. Severson, longtime benefactors of Arizona State University, has alleviated this financial burden for numerous students at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

The Severson Cronkite Media Global Experience Fund stands as the most substantial donation ever received by the Cronkite School, aimed at assisting students in their pursuit of international studies without financial constraints. Adelaida Severson, an esteemed alumna of ASU and a prominent figure in the Cronkite School’s Alumni Hall of Fame, initiated this fund alongside her husband, Barry Severson, who owns Bushtex Inc., a company specializing in satellite communications.

Having earned her master’s degree in mass communication from the Cronkite School in 1995 and later completing her PhD in public administration at the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions in 2006, Adelaida Severson’s academic journey includes a significant period of studying abroad in Cuba for her doctoral research.

Driven by her personal affinity for journalism and international education, Severson and her family’s philanthropic endeavors aim to empower Cronkite students to explore impactful narratives and foster positive global change through the art of storytelling and connection.

The Seversons’ philanthropic philosophy revolves around the four “Rs” essential for student development: resourcefulness, relationships, resilience, and relevance. Aligned with the Cronkite School’s commitment to student support, the Severson Cronkite Media Global Experience Fund nurtures aspiring journalists and communication professionals with a global perspective.

Encouraging a spirit of curiosity and fearlessness in students, Severson emphasizes the transformative potential of international experiences in shaping individuals professionally and personally. Her recent return to Cuba alongside over 20 Cronkite students and faculty underscores the profound impact of such global learning initiatives supported by the Seversons’ generosity.

By facilitating unique international learning opportunities, the Severson Cronkite Media Global Experience Fund empowers students to broaden their horizons, immerse themselves in diverse cultures, and embrace linguistic diversity. As the Severson family’s philanthropic legacy continues to flourish, more Cronkite students will embark on enriching global experiences in the coming years, fostering a new generation of globally-minded journalists and communicators.