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### Challenges Faced by Vietnamese Expats in Securing Jobs in Their Homeland

After returning to his native northern Quang Ninh province in 2022, it took him four months and more than 20 job applications to secure a position in e-commerce, commencing with a monthly salary of VND8 million ($320) – less than his expectations.

“I diligently scoured job platforms every hour, seeking an e-commerce trade role with a monthly pay ranging from VND12 million to VND20 million,” Dat recounted. “Upon finally clinching such a position, the employers notified me that VND8 million was the fixed offer, non-negotiable.”

Despite feeling that the offered salary was inadequate to offset the VND15 billion invested in his education, he persisted in the role for six months.

Nonetheless, the unsatisfactory salary was just one of the many hurdles he faced in the Vietnamese job market, encompassing challenges in adapting to workplace culture, unanticipated job responsibilities, and frequent uncompensated overtime work.

“In reality, despite the company policy stipulating an eight-hour workday, the actual hours often stretched to 10-12 hours daily, without any additional compensation for overtime,” Dat disclosed. “This marked a stark departure from my prior experiences where an eight-hour workday strictly meant eight hours, no more.”

Dat realized that being bilingual was no longer a unique advantage, as he encountered competition from peers proficient in three or four languages.

“Interacting with peers fluent in English, Chinese, Korean, and French made me feel less competitive,” he admitted.

A woman wearing academic cap and dress. Illustration photo by Unsplash

A woman wearing academic cap and dress. Illustration photo by Unsplash

Dat’s experiences resonate with a survey conducted by recruitment agency SHD involving 350 Vietnamese graduates from foreign institutions. The survey unveiled that 87% encountered challenges in adapting to cultural and workplace norms within Vietnamese companies, while 83% expressed discontent with their salary and benefits.

Ngo Thi Ngoc Lan from headhunt service Navigos Search noted that despite possessing confidence, language skills, and open-mindedness, these graduates often struggle to assimilate into Vietnam’s unique work environment. The considerable disparities in business practices between Vietnam and other countries necessitate these graduates to undergo a longer adjustment period compared to their locally-educated counterparts.

Ha Vy, holding a U.S. taxation degree, shared similar challenges with Dat. After investing VND6 billion in her education, Vy returned to Vietnam with the expectation of securing a lucrative position. However, her lack of practical work experience prolonged her job search, eventually leading to an offer of VND10 million per month after four months.

“My initial salary expectations were set at a minimum of VND20 million, but such opportunities proved elusive,” she lamented.

After enduring more than a year of dissatisfaction stemming from the mismatch between her efforts and compensation, the 27-year-old embarked on a job hunt in Malaysia, driven by her frustration with the undervaluation of her degree in Vietnam.

“I had anticipated that my degree would be more highly regarded and financially rewarding in Vietnam,” Vy expressed.

She further elaborated that despite her proficiency in English, the absence of practical experience posed a significant obstacle. Consequently, she now considers it unrealistic for overseas-educated graduates to anticipate salaries ranging from US\(2,000 to \)3,000 upon their return to Vietnam.

Le Thanh Ngan, the Head of Recruitment at FPT Education, highlighted that foreign degree holders often aspire to high-ranking positions immediately after graduation, overlooking entry-level opportunities despite their lack of experience, thereby complicating their job search in terms of salary expectations.

However, there are additional challenges for graduates returning from abroad. Vu Hanh Hoa, CEO of a leadership training institute in Hanoi, pointed out that the ongoing economic downturn presents an added hurdle for this demographic. As companies streamline operations, they prioritize experienced employees over overseas degree holders who require extensive training.

“Major corporations are facing challenges and have to cut costs to optimize their operations,” she remarked. “They prioritize retaining efficient, adaptable staff capable of delivering immediate value.”

Hoa emphasized that many returnee graduates hail from affluent backgrounds, lacking the resilience and perseverance crucial in the demanding Vietnamese job market. Only a small fraction exhibit the endurance and tenacity valued by employers in today’s global economic landscape, she added.

Another obstacle for foreign degree holders is their limited experience in communication and networking within the Vietnamese context.

“Students who have spent significant time abroad often understand foreigners better than their compatriots, necessitating a substantial period to readjust to Vietnamese society, its people, attitudes, and work culture,” Hoa explained.

As a result, many employers estimate that international graduates require six to 12 months to adapt, incurring substantial training costs without offering immediate benefits to the company. Consequently, employers are hesitant to offer high initial salaries.

Hoa suggested that instead of fixating solely on the prestige of their foreign degrees, graduates returning from abroad should seek opportunities to gain practical work experience to alleviate their employment challenges.

“Often, these graduates return with the expectation that their ‘superior’ qualifications entitle them to positions at renowned companies with generous salaries,” she noted. “This mindset poses a barrier to employment.”

Hoa advised returning graduates to recalibrate their expectations and acknowledge that a foreign degree serves merely as an additional credential. With companies increasingly prioritizing actual job performance over academic qualifications amid the economic downturn, Hoa stressed that the ability to “truly contribute” was pivotal in securing employment.

Therefore, overseas degree holders should recognize the importance of accumulating work experience and assess how they can add value to a company based on their strengths. Hoa cautioned against holding out for positions in their desired fields that meet their salary expectations.

“Set aside your degrees and avoid getting trapped in illusions of grandeur,” she advised. “Don’t fixate excessively on your foreign education.”

Otherwise, these graduates risk facing ongoing challenges akin to those encountered by Dat.

Disheartened by his comparatively modest earnings in comparison to his domestically-educated peers, he resorted to borrowing from his parents and other sources to establish a homestay business.

“The overwhelming financial burden left me with no alternative but to venture into entrepreneurship,” he revealed. “Launching this business has plunged me into a debt of VND7 billion.”

While the financial success of his new venture remains uncertain, the costs associated with the endeavor have accumulated to the total amount Dat invested in his education and business startup, further complicating his efforts to recoup his investments.