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### Vietnamese Education Reform Experience Available for Sharing with the Philippines

The National Assembly of Vietnam is prepared to exchange insights on educational reform with the Philippines, as conveyed by NA Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai to a delegation from the Philippine Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM 2) headed by Senator Sherwin T. Gatchalian, who serves as the Co-chair of EDCOM 2 and as the Senate Chair of the Committee on Basic Education.

NA Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai ® and Senator Sherwin T. Gatchalian (Photo: VNA)

Hai emphasized Vietnam’s commitment to its strategic partnership with the Philippines, aiming to enhance collaboration in various areas such as politics, economy, national defense, security, culture, education, people-to-people exchanges, and exploring new avenues through parliamentary channels.

With the upcoming milestones of the 10th anniversary of the strategic partnership in 2025 and the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2026 between the two nations, Hai expressed satisfaction in observing the significant and fruitful progress in bilateral relations across diverse sectors over the past five decades.

Appreciating the outcomes of a previous working meeting between the Vietnamese NA’s Committee for Culture and Education and the Philippine delegation, the Vice Chairman voiced support for expanding educational partnerships and enhancing the quality of education in both countries, with the ultimate goal of contributing to their socio-economic and cultural advancement.

Hai put forward suggestions for increased collaboration between the legislative bodies of Vietnam and the Philippines, advocating for exchange programs for lawmakers and cooperation among their respective agencies. He underscored the significance of sharing best practices in parliamentary activities, particularly focusing on education and training.

In response, Gatchalian acknowledged the productive discussions between the delegation and the Vietnamese NA Committee for Culture and Education, as well as the Ministry of Education and Training, foreseeing enhanced cooperation in the future.

He expressed hope for continued emphasis on cultural, educational, and tourism cooperation to deepen mutual understanding and solidarity between the peoples of both nations, with the aim of fostering a more comprehensive and substantial bilateral relationship.