Aditya Srivastava, a native of Lucknow, emerged as the winner of the prestigious examination in 2023, with Animesh Pradhan and Donuru Ananya Reddy securing the second and third positions, respectively.
Where did Aditya Srivastava pursue his education?
Aditya pursued his higher studies at IIT Kanpur after completing school | Image: YouTube Screengrab
Having finished his education at the CMS Lucknow Aliganj branch, Srivastava furthered his academic pursuits before embarking on a career at Goldman Sachs.
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Despite numerous lucrative opportunities in the corporate sector, Srivastava opted for a career in civil service. In a recent YouTube video, he elaborated on his decision to forgo a high-paying job to serve the public.
What inspired the top achiever to remain in India?
He cited two primary reasons for his choice. Firstly, he was motivated by the issue of brain drain, which he encountered during his school days, prompting him to contribute to India. Secondly, he expressed a desire to care for his elderly parents.
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Why did he turn down the job offer from Goldman Sachs?
In an interview, Srivastava revealed the reasons behind his departure from Goldman Sachs, where he was earning ₹2.5 lakhs per month.
He relinquished his well-paying role at Goldman Sachs, which offered ₹2.5 lakhs per month | Image: YouTube Screengrab
He explained, “Firstly, considering my background, even the blessings I received were geared towards achieving a prestigious position like that of a collector. I had some exposure to civil services from the beginning, but the pivotal moment came during my tenure at work. Through a volunteering experience, I realized that merely providing meals to children was insufficient to make a meaningful impact on their lives. Additionally, there is an element of social prestige associated with civil services.”
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