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### University of Nairobi and MKU Shine in Latest University Rankings

The University of Nairobi has once again maintained its leading position in the most recent Webometrics ranking, reaffirming its status as a key player in Kenyan higher education.

In a noteworthy development, Mount Kenya University has made significant progress, advancing by six places in the ranking to secure a spot among the top ten universities in Kenya. This achievement marks a milestone as the first private university to break into this prestigious group. Formerly positioned at 16th place, the university now proudly holds the 10th spot, challenging the traditional dominance of public institutions at higher ranks.

Professor Deogratius Jaganyi, the vice-chancellor, emphasizes Mount Kenya University’s unwavering commitment to excellence in teaching, learning, research, and innovation. The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities is conducted by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research unit affiliated with Spain’s largest public research institution, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. This ranking evaluates universities’ educational quality and research productivity.

It is noteworthy that the rankings consider various forms of scholarly communication, including formal and informal channels like e-journals and repositories. These rankings meticulously exclude diploma mills and questionable institutions, ensuring a reliable assessment of educational standards. In the African rankings, universities from South Africa and Egypt dominate the top positions. The University of Nairobi from Kenya secures the 15th position, highlighting its significant presence in the African academic landscape. The global assessment by Webometrics encompasses over 20,000 universities worldwide.

On the international platform, American universities prominently feature in the top ten list, with only one British institution included. The distinguished list comprises Harvard University, Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Oxford (UK), University of Michigan, University of California Berkeley, Cornell University, University of Washington, Columbia University New York, and the University of Pennsylvania.

Simon Gicharu, the innovative founder of MKU, credits the university’s remarkable ascent to its focus on research, exemplified by initiatives such as the Centre for Malaria laboratory. The positive impact of Mount Kenya University’s dedication to training and research is evident in its recognition by researchers, signifying acknowledgment of the university’s efforts. Gicharu attributes this progress to collaborative efforts among the staff and an inclusive leadership approach that encourages the open expression of ideas.