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### Summer Study Abroad Opportunities Promoted by Susi Rachouh

Last week, a fair was organized by the Office of International Programs at Babbio Center to present information on the upcoming programs offered to students and guide them through the application process. The Stute had the opportunity to interview Susi Rachouh, the Director of International Programs, to delve into the diverse range of programs, participation details, and the significance of overseas studies.

In her capacity as the Director of International Programs, Rachouh oversees various domains, including undergraduate study abroad initiatives (unfortunately, graduate students at Stevens do not qualify for abroad credit), outreach for international undergraduate programs, contractual and legal matters for undergraduate students, and exchange programs. Currently, Stevens hosts seven exchange programs, such as Global E3, tailored for engineering and computer science majors.

When prompted about the most captivating programs, Rachouh highlighted the increasing popularity of Italy as a favored destination. She elaborated on the available cities, including Milan, Florence, Sorento, Rome, and Syracuse (located in Sicily). Additionally, she mentioned the rising interest in Portugal as a new program destination. Other notable programs she mentioned were HEX, primarily catering to business students in Melbourne and Singapore, and ESports in Seoul, South Korea.

While acknowledging the substantial commitment studying abroad entails, Rachouh outlined the myriad benefits of this enriching experience. She emphasized that despite Stevens’ rigorous academic environment, the Office of International Programs strives to offer flexible programs to accommodate STEM students. Rachouh underlined the enhancement of skills such as flexibility, confidence, tolerance for uncertainty, intercultural collaboration, and global competence through studying abroad. Notably, she emphasized the development of independence, a quality that students often find significantly improved after studying abroad.

In advising prospective students, Rachouh stressed the importance of initiating the process early. She encouraged students with queries to contact Jane Winthrop, the new Assistant Director of International and Special Programs, for guidance and follow-up assistance.

To alleviate apprehensions about the studying abroad experience, Rachouh assured students of the student-centric nature of their programs. She mentioned the availability of student staff assistants and global ambassadors to facilitate connections with past participants. Additionally, she recommended reaching out to program providers and attending Pre-Departure Orientations grouped by country to address concerns collectively.

For program updates, students are advised to watch for Rachouh’s weekly emails and attend the Wednesday 3 p.m. information sessions. To explore available international programs, students can access the “Undergraduate Study Abroad” app on MyStevens. For those considering summer programs, application deadlines are predominantly on March 25th, with a few extending into early April.

Courtesy of Office of International Programs