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### Exploring London’s Literary Scene Through Study Abroad

“Overall, this experience marked a remarkable conclusion to my undergraduate journey. Exploring novel topics expanded my knowledge base significantly. The excursion to London added a profound dimension to my learning adventure. Witnessing firsthand the settings associated with literary characters and historical personalities we had studied enriched my comprehension far beyond the confines of a traditional classroom setting. I am deeply grateful for this invaluable opportunity, certain that its impact will endure a lifetime.”

— Maddie Hellwig, English major

“The London expedition remains etched in my memory as an unforgettable experience. The educational aspect of the trip offered a depth of insight that distinguishes it from the typical tourist escapade focused on iconic landmarks. It not only provided a glimpse into a different way of life but also instilled in me a renewed desire to revisit London. This journey, coupled with the course content and the guidance of my instructors, has indelibly transformed my perspective.”

— Adam Ward, Journalism major