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### Embarking on Exciting Study Abroad Journeys

Students in Rome, Italy

Photo Courtesy: The studysorrentosbu Instagram page


St. Bonaventure University students can explore various study abroad programs, immersing themselves in new cultures while earning college credit.

One of these programs is the Francis E Kelley Oxford program, scheduled from June 28 to Aug. 9, 2024. The program, overseen by Mike Jones-Kelley, a lecturer in the Jandoli School of Communication, and Anne Lee, another lecturer in the Jandoli School, as associate director, offers students a unique educational experience. Despite classes being held at Trinity College, Jones-Kelley emphasizes the value of learning beyond the classroom, especially through off-campus exploration in England.

According to Jones-Kelley, the essence of education in the Oxford program lies in the experiences students gain outside the confines of Trinity College. He believes that the independence and adaptability students develop while navigating a foreign country contribute significantly to their overall growth and learning.

This year, the group heading to Oxford comprises 20 students, marking the smallest cohort in ten years. Jones-Kelley remains optimistic, stating that the smaller size may foster a more cohesive and intimate learning environment.

While students are required to take at least one class at Oxford, they have the option to enroll in up to three courses that align with the Bonaventure curriculum. Jones-Kelley ensures that every course offered in Oxford fulfills a graduation requirement, underscoring the program’s academic value.

Alice Robinson, a junior psychology major, is eager to participate in the Oxford program, anticipating a deeper understanding of English culture and a broader worldview. She expresses her enthusiasm for exploring diverse cultures and perspectives, aiming to cultivate open-mindedness through this experience.

In another program, directed by Alva Cellini, professor of world languages and cultural studies, students will embark on a study abroad journey in Salamanca, Spain, from May 23 to June 25, 2024. This program focuses on language immersion, with students earning six credits in Spanish. Participants are expected to have completed Spanish 102 to qualify for this immersive linguistic experience.

During their stay, students will reside with local Spanish families, enhancing their language proficiency through constant interaction and communication. Excursions to various destinations like Toledo, Segovia, Madrid, and Portugal offer additional cultural insights and historical exploration opportunities.

Maya Henderson, a senior political science major, reflects on her past experience in the Salamanca program, highlighting the importance of language practice and immersion in honing her Spanish skills. She credits the all-Spanish classes for facilitating meaningful interactions and aiding her journey towards fluency.

The summer study program in Sorrento, Italy, overseen by Anna Bulszewicz, a lecturer in the Jandoli School of Communication, is scheduled from June 30 to Aug. 3, 2024. Bulszewicz views this opportunity as a valuable gift for students, emphasizing the significance of presence and cultural immersion in Sorrento.

For the first time, students will collaborate with a local business in Sorrento to develop marketing plans, actively contributing to the community and leaving a positive impact. Kathryn Hennessey, a sophomore marketing major participating in the Sorrento program, looks forward to embracing new experiences and gaining a fresh perspective on life during her time in Italy.

Bulszewicz encourages students to fully engage with the Italian culture, emphasizing the importance of presence and immersion in experiencing the richness of the local lifestyle. Hennessey expresses gratitude for the chance to explore overseas, highlighting her intention to savor every moment and embrace this transformative journey.

For inquiries, please contact Elizabeth Kamrowski at [email protected]