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### Studying Abroad: Senior Patrick Ekeu’s Experience at Sunderland University

New Wilmington, PA–Senior Patrick Ekeu participates in a study abroad program at Sunderland University.

During his time abroad, Senior Computer Science Major Patrick Ekeu, along with fellow students, embarked on a journey to the University of Sunderland last semester. Engaging in a diverse curriculum, Patrick enrolled in three courses in the United Kingdom: Advanced Programming, IT Service Management, and Android Mobile Development. Each course comprised a one-hour lecture session and a two-hour workshop for practical assignments, homework, and exam preparation.

Reflecting on his experience, Patrick shared, “I had no ongoing homework during the semester; instead, I had final assessments for each course scheduled at the year’s end, which were submitted online. The assignment timelines in Sunderland differed from what I was accustomed to, often being given midway through the semester or towards the end.”

Upon his return from the United Kingdom, Patrick dedicated additional weeks to completing his final assessments. These assessments included two coding projects for his Android Mobile Development and Advanced Programming courses, along with two reports for the IT Service Management class. Tasks involved creating an app and a Windows form capable of sorting datasets.

Grading in the UK varied from the system in the United States, with distinctions such as a First-Class Honors for scores ranging from 100% to 70%, an Upper Second-Class Degree for 69% to 60%, a Lower Second-Class Degree for 59% to 50%, a Third Class Degree for 49% to 40%, and failing grades for anything below 39%.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Patrick explored various destinations with his flat mates during his time abroad.