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### Comparative Analysis Reveals Michigan Schools Lagging Behind Top National Performers

Michigan’s education system is facing significant challenges, as indicated by recent data from Launch Michigan. The findings reveal that Michigan schools are falling behind in various areas compared to schools in top-performing states. Launch Michigan, a nonprofit committed to enhancing Michigan’s public education system, collaborated with AEM Corp., an education consultancy in Virginia, to develop a comprehensive dashboard of data for this purpose.

Key insights from the dashboard include:

  • Seven out of eight Michigan districts perform below national comparison districts in math.
  • 70% of Michigan districts lag in reading proficiency compared to similar districts in top-performing states.
  • 71% of Michigan districts have lower graduation rates than their national comparison districts.

The data set and district comparison tool created by Launch Michigan and AEM Corp. utilize publicly available information to allow stakeholders to assess how Michigan school districts stack up against similar districts in states known for educational excellence such as Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, and others.

Historically, Michigan’s education system has faced challenges stemming from years of inadequate investment and temporary solutions. Venessa Keesler, President and CEO of Launch Michigan, emphasizes the need for systemic changes to address these issues. Despite recent investments in education, Michigan still lags behind in funding and educational outcomes.

Launch Michigan advocates for reforms focused on career and college readiness, equitable resource allocation, and improved student outcomes. The organization stresses the importance of adapting the education system to meet the needs of today’s students effectively.

The urgency to address Michigan’s educational shortcomings is underscored by Brian Calley, President and CEO of the Small Business Association of Michigan, and Jeff Donofrio, President and CEO of Business Leaders for Michigan. Both leaders emphasize the critical need for restructuring Michigan’s K-12 system to align with modern educational requirements.

Transitioning from a coalition to a formal organization, Launch Michigan aims to drive positive changes in Michigan’s public education system through collaborative efforts across various sectors. By focusing on balanced resources, governance, and accountability, Launch Michigan strives to prepare every student for success beyond high school. Learn more about Launch Michigan’s initiatives at [Launch Michigan’s website].