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### U of A Sets New Record with Highest Number of Students Studying Overseas in 2022-23 Academic Year

Jan. 29, 2024

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Kayla Hart

A greater number of students from the University of Arkansas engaged in global learning opportunities during the previous academic year compared to previous years.

In the 2022-23 academic year, a record-breaking 1,255 students participated in studying abroad, reflecting a surge of over 10% from the previous record of 1,130 students in the 2018-19 academic year. The student engagement rate stood at 8%, exceeding the national average of 5% by three points.

Sarah Malloy, the director of study abroad and international exchange, highlighted the impact of the university’s faculty-led programs and faculty involvement in enriching students’ lives. These experiences help students establish connections between themselves, Arkansas, and the global community.

Students explored 42 different countries, with Italy remaining a prominent destination. Last year, 609 U of A students traveled to Italy for study abroad programs, including 340 students at the Rome Center. The fall semester of 2022 witnessed a record number of 103 students participating in the Rome Center program for a semester.

Francesco Bedeschi, the director of the Rome Center, expressed delight in the increasing student engagement at the Rome Center, especially noting the upcoming spring 2024 semester, which is expected to set a new participation record, particularly from Walton College and Fulbright College. This growth signifies the university’s commitment to making its European hub more accessible to students.

Apart from Italy, other popular study destinations included the United Kingdom (119 students), Spain (92 students), Japan (75 students), Chile (50 students), and the Republic of Ireland (47 students).

The Sam M. Walton College of Business led in sending students abroad last year, with nearly 400 participants. Following closely were the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences with 311 students and the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design with 165 students.

The Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange actively promotes scholarship opportunities to support underrepresented students in their study abroad endeavors, such as the Gilman Scholarship. Notably, 40% of U of A students who applied for the Gilman Scholarship successfully secured it, surpassing the national average of 25%.

Kayla Hart, a fourth-year architecture student, shared her enriching experience studying at the Rome Center during the summer. This opportunity allowed her to delve into the architectural history of one of the world’s premier architectural locations.

Reflecting on her time in Rome, Kayla mentioned applying her architectural knowledge gained from previous classes, cherishing the diverse places she visited, and the valuable experience from her internship program. She emphasized that the internship provided insight into the Italian work culture, a unique experience only accessible through the program.