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### Wisconsin’s School System Ranks 10th Best in the United States

Wisconsin is ranked as having the 10th best school system in the nation, as per a recent evaluation by a company specializing in providing access to educational materials.

The evaluation utilized data from various sources, including results published by the National Association of Educational Progress (NAEP).

While Wisconsin students generally outperformed those in most other states, the NAEP findings highlighted that Wisconsin exhibited the most significant score disparities between Black and white students compared to other states.

Teach Simple’s analysis considered metrics such as bullying incidents, academic achievements, and student-to-teacher ratios, as outlined in a communication from JournoResearch, the public relations agency representing Teach Simple.

Each metric was assigned a score on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 indicating the highest performance level. These scores were then aggregated to determine the overall rankings.

Wisconsin’s Performance in the Rankings

Wisconsin achieved a composite index score of 55.43, earning a perfect 10 for its high school seniors’ average SAT score of 1,252 and a 9 for the average math score of eighth-graders, according to the communication.

Based on Teach Simple’s comprehensive dataset encompassing all states, Wisconsin ranked fifth in academic performance (72.57), 19th in educational access and resources (45.53), 27th in socioeconomic factors (48.22), and 39th in school environment and safety (43.07).

States Outperforming Wisconsin

Nine states surpassed Wisconsin in the rankings with higher composite index scores, as per the communication:

  • Massachusetts secured the top spot with a final index rating of 71.54, excelling in categories such as eighth-grade math scores, average ACT scores, and a low bullying rate.
  • New Jersey followed closely with a composite index score of 69.19, boasting exceptional performance in various areas including eighth-grade literacy and minimal firearm possession among students.
  • Connecticut, New York, Maryland, Iowa, Maine, Virginia, and Pennsylvania also outperformed Wisconsin across different metrics.

States with the Lowest Rankings

Teach Simple identified the following five states with the lowest-performing school systems based on their composite index scores:

  • South Carolina ranked 46th with a composite index score of 34.62, struggling in academic performance and school environment and safety.
  • Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Arizona were among the states with the lowest composite index scores, each facing distinct challenges in academic performance, educational resources, and socioeconomic factors.

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