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**Two Major Youth Engagement Education Reforms Revealed in Queensland**

Minister for Education and Minister for Youth Justice, The Honourable Di Farmer, has announced two significant initiatives stemming from the $288 million Youth Engagement Education Reform package.

One key initiative involves commencing the recruitment process for the initial 40 out of 78 positions for the innovative $57 million intensive education case management service. This service aims to provide comprehensive support to students who have faced extended periods of exclusion or suspension from state schools, facilitating their reintegration into the educational system. The appointed Intensive Education Case Managers are anticipated to commence their roles by June, focusing on minimizing the duration that young individuals remain out of school.

Additionally, recruitment is underway for the hiring of four additional Court Liaison Officers in crucial Children’s Court locations and 16 more Youth Transition Officers across the state. These officers will engage with young people and their respective schools to identify the necessary support required for a successful return to education. Specifically, the Court Liaison Officers will be stationed in strategic regions such as Far North Queensland, Central Queensland, Wide Bay, and the Darling Downs to bolster the court support system effectively.

Minister Farmer emphasized the significance of these initiatives in addressing the intricate needs of students who are at risk of involvement with the youth justice system. By providing tailored educational interventions and support services, the aim is to prevent anti-social or criminal behavior among vulnerable youth. The overarching goal is to ensure that every young individual remains connected to learning opportunities, even in cases of exclusion or suspension from traditional schooling.

The Queensland Teachers Union President, Cresta Richardson, expressed support for the investment in schools, highlighting the importance of alternative learning programs to cater to diverse student needs. Similarly, the Vice President of the Queensland Secondary Principals Association, Sharon Barker, welcomed the initiatives as a means to enhance student engagement and successful academic outcomes.

The comprehensive $288 million Youth Engagement Education Reform package also includes plans to expand the Queensland Pathways State Colleges model to 12 campuses, establish new FlexiSpaces in high-needs schools, and introduce specialized alternative learning programs in priority locations. These strategic investments aim to create supportive educational environments, pathways to tertiary education, and training opportunities for students across Queensland.