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### Revolutionizing Education: The Ultimate Role of Parents

It is crucial for parents to reconceptualize their role as the primary educators of their children.

When fewer parents simply outsource their children’s education without active involvement and ongoing engagement, it paves the way for the development of well-adjusted adults.

Each child is unique, with individual strengths, weaknesses, and interests. By empowering parents to oversee their children’s education, it allows for a tailored approach that aligns with each child’s specific needs and learning preferences. Through active engagement in their children’s academic journey, parents can pinpoint areas of proficiency as well as areas that may require additional assistance. This personalized approach not only boosts academic achievement but also fosters children’s self-esteem and independence.

The significance of education is underscored by its role in disseminating knowledge and intelligence to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the populace. However, the imposition of “common schools” during the progressive era has constrained educational excellence within a standardized framework.

Children should not be treated as commodities or profit margins. Yet, when educational institutions prioritize enrollment numbers over individualized learning experiences, they risk churning out uniform products rather than nurturing intellectual growth. Government-run schools often prioritize attendance over knowledge acquisition, perpetuating a system that values quantity over quality.

The notion advocated by Corey DeAngelis that tax dollars should follow the student’s educational choices is overshadowed by the influence of powerful teachers unions. These unions, driven by self-interest, resist changes that could shift control of K-12 educational funding away from centralized entities.

Despite the presence of dedicated educators within the public school system, the bureaucratic stronghold maintained by unions and educational institutions fueled by taxpayer dollars is unsustainable. Criticism of unions should not detract from the hard work and dedication of teachers and administrators who genuinely care about education.

While critics may argue that excessive parental involvement hampers a child’s autonomy and creativity, true parental engagement strikes a balance between guidance and independence. Parents should act as facilitators, empowering children to take charge of their learning journey while providing necessary support for success.

The encroachment of [ppp1] threatens to erode parental authority further. As schools extend their reach beyond academics into various aspects of a child’s life, parents must reclaim their pivotal role in shaping their children’s development.

Taxpayers, regardless of their direct involvement in the education system, must evaluate the effectiveness of government-funded schools. Are these institutions merely functioning as daycare facilities, or are they effectively preparing students to navigate the complexities of the contemporary world?

Ultimately, parents should have the liberty to choose the educational path that aligns best with their children’s requirements. As guardians of the next generation, advocating for a system that celebrates individuality, promotes excellence, and empowers parental decision-making is essential for securing a brighter future for our children and generations to come.

This article was originally featured in [ppp2].

Lance Christensen serves as the vice president of education policy and government affairs at California Policy Center.