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University Of Arkansas At Little Rock Receives $5 Million In Federal Funding For Cybersecurity Education

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock received $5 million in federal funding to enhance cybersecurity for the energy sector through education, workforce development, and innovation. This award comes from appropriations language authored by U.S. Sen. John Boozman (passed into law in December 2022). And the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response provided this funding.

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The rise of alternative destinations: Thailand, Poland, and the Philippines – ICEF Monitor – Market intelligence for international student recruitment

A growing body of industry research shows that in 2024, international students are considering a wider range of destinations, motivated by such factors as ease of getting a visa, post-study work opportunities, and affordability. Today, our focus is on three alternative destinations that have – relatively quietly – been attracting considerably more student interest than…

Read More about The rise of alternative destinations: Thailand, Poland, and the Philippines – ICEF Monitor – Market intelligence for international student recruitment

Comparing student visa proof of funds requirements across 20 study destinations – ICEF Monitor – Market intelligence for international student recruitment

In recent months, some major study abroad destinations have increased the amount of available, guaranteed funds that international students must prove to be eligible for a study visa. Part of the motivation here is to ensure students do not have to take on too much work while studying just to make ends meet. Another is…

Read More about Comparing student visa proof of funds requirements across 20 study destinations – ICEF Monitor – Market intelligence for international student recruitment