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### North Carolina Tops the Nation in Number of National Board Certified Teachers

From the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, it is noted that North Carolina stands at the forefront nationally in the count of National Board Certified Teachers, constituting a substantial segment of the state’s educators, according to recent data from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NCPTS).

Moreover, North Carolina holds the second position nationwide in both the intake of fresh National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) and the retention of certified educators. The state proudly houses almost 18% of the total 137,015 teachers certified at the national level.

Peggy Brookins, the president and CEO of NCPTS, has expressed excitement regarding the new NBCTs, underscoring the teachers’ commitment to nurturing academic excellence among students. She has emphasized the crucial role teachers play in molding student achievements and has recognized the continuous endeavors to ensure quality education for all students.

In North Carolina, obtaining National Board Certification leads to a 12% salary hike as per the revised salary scheme. Furthermore, certification paves the way for educators to take up leadership roles within their educational institutions.

National Board Certification, overseen by the National Board For Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), stands as proof of the high caliber of teaching proficiency prevalent in North Carolina classrooms. The stringent certification process assesses teaching methodologies through performance-based evaluations, ultimately resulting in improved student performance and accomplishments.

Several school districts in North Carolina have excelled in certifying teachers, with Wake County Public Schools System securing the third spot, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools ranking sixth, Union County Public Schools tying for 18th place, and Buncombe County Schools tying for 21st place in the count of newly certified teachers.

Sherri Morris, the National Board Coordinator at Wake County Public School System, has commended the dedication of the newly certified and renewed NBCTs, highlighting their contributions to the students and the community.

State lawmakers have consistently allocated funds for national certification, giving precedence to higher remuneration for certified teachers over those holding master’s degrees. Research from the National Board reveals that certified teachers exhibit superior performance across various facets of teaching expertise in comparison to their non-certified peers.

The recent state budget has earmarked $1 million for the upcoming fiscal year to institute a grant program that supports teachers pursuing national certification. This initiative prioritizes educators in underperforming schools or those catering to at-risk student groups.

The certification process demands a substantial investment of time and finances, with expenses spread over three years and a non-refundable registration fee for each application year. Maintenance of certification incurs additional expenses alongside a registration fee.

North Carolina extends loans to eligible certification candidates, with a repayment period spanning three years. The loan initiative offers financial aid to applicants, with the first year being interest-free and subsequent years incurring a 3% interest rate.

For individuals keen on delving deeper into the certification process, detailed information is accessible on the DPI’s website. Sonja Brown, DPI’s educator advancement lead, is available for further queries.

For an in-depth coverage of education news, policy modifications, and faith-related subjects, readers can refer to Hannah McClellan, EducationNC’s senior reporter.