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### Promoting Inclusivity and Opportunity: NIU Graduate Student Programming Today

“It has been a fulfilling journey for me at NIU, and I truly feel a sense of belonging here. I am not just a statistic; I am recognized as an individual, valued, and listened to. NIU is structured in a manner that no matter what ambitions you harbor for yourself, there exists a supportive community and ample resources to assist you in flourishing.” – Amaka Peace Onebunne, graduate student

Graduate students play a vital role in the Huskie family. NIU provides a wide array of graduate programs, offering master’s, doctoral, certificate, and dual degrees to nearly 4,000 graduate students from various parts of the globe.

In line with NIU’s commitment to bolstering the academic and career goals of graduate students, the university is creating avenues for graduate students to engage actively and enrich their educational journey.

Kerry Wilks, the dean of the Graduate School at NIU, emphasized, “We are dedicated to supporting the success of all our diverse graduate students. We understand that fostering a sense of belonging, providing academic support for excellence, and offering growth opportunities and professional development are pivotal aspects of this support, and we are committed to delivering this for our student community.”

A primary focus of the Graduate School is to provide impactful development opportunities for NIU graduate students.

Jessica Reyman, the associate dean of the Graduate School, highlighted the significance of professional development for graduate students. She stated, “Our aim is to assist students not only in preparing for their careers but also in ensuring their success as graduate students. We strive to help them excel in their studies, acquire the necessary skills for graduation, and transition smoothly into the next phase of their careers.”

One notable professional development program is the collaboration between the Graduate School and the Office of Research, Compliance, Integrity and Safety, offering lunchtime webinars on various topics related to research ethics and integrity spanning different disciplines.

Another initiative involves a partnership with a digital platform that provides career preparation training, encompassing a comprehensive curriculum with bootcamps and additional events focusing on career exploration, job search strategies, application materials preparation, interviewing techniques, and technology awareness.

Reyman has initiated a graduate student professional development lunch series, bringing students together for mealtime discussions several times during the semester. These sessions cover topics such as building effective relationships with mentors, job search strategies, and overcoming impostor syndrome.

Reyman underscored the crucial role of graduate faculty, program directors, and academic advisors in ensuring the success of graduate students at NIU. She emphasized that supporting graduate student success requires a collaborative effort across various entities on campus, including University Libraries, Huskie Academic Success Center, and Career Services.

Onebunne, a graduate student in the Communication Studies program, expressed her appreciation for the tools and resources provided by NIU to support her research interests, leading to opportunities to work on diverse projects and fostering positive relationships with professors and advisors.

Reyman, since assuming her role in 2023, has conducted listening sessions with graduate students from diverse backgrounds to enhance engagement opportunities and gather valuable feedback to tailor support initiatives for graduate students.

New opportunities have been developed under Reyman’s leadership to facilitate graduate students’ integration into the university community, including welcome events, graduate student socials, and upcoming graduate student orientation sessions.

The week-long celebration, returning to NIU this year, aims to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of graduate students to the vibrancy of NIU, featuring various engaging events and activities.

As Onebunne nears the completion of her M.A. in Communication Studies at NIU, she reflects on her transformative experience, involvement in student leadership roles, and the opportunities that have shaped her academic journey, recommending NIU to others based on her positive encounters and sense of belonging within the university community.