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**Reviewing Labour’s Education Reforms: A Critical Analysis by Laura Anne Jones, MS**

Following the release of a recent report on education in Wales by the Institute of Fiscal Studies, Laura Anne Jones MS expresses her concerns regarding the widening educational disparity in Wales.

As the Easter break approaches, parents are eager for favorable weather to engage in activities with their children, while teachers are looking forward to a break from grading and lesson planning after a hectic term. Amidst the indulgence in chocolate eggs, it is crucial to reflect on the Labour party’s track record in Welsh education and their prolonged neglect of our children’s needs.

The report reveals a consistent decline or stagnation in academic achievement post-pandemic, with the attainment gap exacerbating even before the onset of Covid-19. The former Labour Education Minister’s misguided focus on expensive reforms, such as the unpopular school holiday restructuring consultation costing £130,000, diverted attention from critical educational issues.

The stark reality is that disadvantaged pupils in Wales face a significantly wider achievement gap compared to their peers in England, a disparity that has persisted since 2009 without tangible improvement. This failure to address educational inequalities has been underscored by the scathing Institute of Fiscal Studies report released during the Easter break.

The report unequivocally criticizes Labour’s ineffective governance over the past 25 years, echoing concerns shared by parents across Wales, including Laura Anne Jones MS. Despite her persistent advocacy for change falling on deaf ears within the Labour administration, she remains hopeful that this damning assessment will compel the government to finally prioritize educational improvement.

While Wales grapples with a multitude of educational challenges, Labour’s preoccupation with peripheral projects and social justice initiatives has detracted from addressing the fundamental issues plaguing the education system. The emphasis should squarely be on mastering the basics.

To comprehend Labour’s missteps, a thorough examination of the report is imperative. Notably, the report underscores the alarming decline in the latest PISA results, erasing years of progress and positioning Wales behind most other countries in educational performance.

The significant underperformance in Wales cannot be attributed to higher poverty levels alone, as evidenced by disadvantaged children in England outscoring their Welsh counterparts by an average of 30 points. This disparity is a direct consequence of Labour’s policy decisions rather than external factors like poverty rates or resource disparities.

The report emphasizes the urgent need for Labour to reconsider their detrimental educational reforms, including the planned 2025 GCSE curriculum, which risk exacerbating inequalities, escalating teacher workloads, and limiting future educational prospects. Ignoring these warnings would be irresponsible and further jeopardize Wales’ education system.

In contrast, the Welsh Conservatives advocate for prioritizing education by reintroducing 5,000 teachers to reduce class sizes, alleviate teacher workloads, and enhance academic performance. Additionally, they propose reinstating standardized testing to monitor student progress effectively.

Ensuring timely support for students with additional learning needs, safeguarding against cuts in the 2024-25 budget, is crucial to prevent further academic disparities. Every student deserves equitable access to quality education.

Furthermore, fostering a tailored program for gifted students is essential to sustain their academic growth and prevent stagnation. Addressing behavioral issues in schools is paramount, necessitating the establishment of a national helpline for staff dealing with violence and comprehensive support for both students and educators.

Proposed plans to introduce Free Schools and Academies in Wales aim to foster independence from local authority control and promote collaboration among schools to enhance educational standards. This approach mirrors successful practices observed across the border.

Labour must acknowledge and rectify the educational crisis in Wales by revisiting their reform agenda and prioritizing essential issues like Additional Learning Needs and absenteeism. The incoming First Minister must heed the report’s recommendations to steer Welsh education in the right direction.

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