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### The folly of investing $600,000 in international education for mere experiential purposes

By March 15, 2024, at 03:18 pm PT

It’s irresponsible to spend $600,000 studying overseas just for the experience

In 2019, students participated in an education fair in Hanoi to explore opportunities for studying abroad. Photo courtesy of IDP Education Vietnam

Numerous families allocate up to VND15 billion (US$606,700) to facilitate their children’s education overseas, only to encounter challenges in securing employment upon their return.

According to the 2024 Key Trends in Southeast Asia report by Acumen, an international education consultancy, Vietnam surpasses other Southeast Asian nations in the number of students pursuing education abroad. Despite this, an escalating percentage of these individuals encounter obstacles in finding employment and reintegrating into Vietnamese society post-education.

While some advocate for the immeasurable value of the experiences garnered through international education, I challenge this perspective. When considering overseas education as an investment, the primary aim should be to attain returns that validate the initial expenditure. If the expenses incurred during education fail to be offset by subsequent earnings, the endeavor may be deemed an unsuccessful investment.

If the sole purpose is experiential, one could achieve similar outcomes at a significantly lower cost by traveling as a tourist.

In essence, if the pursuit of a VND15 billion overseas education does not result in equivalent or higher post-graduation earnings, it signifies a lack of consideration for one’s and one’s family’s financial welfare. At the very least, individuals should strive to generate adequate income to afford a similar caliber of education for their children, ensuring that the investment cycle yields tangible advantages.

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