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### Maximizing Your Global Academic Potential with the International Baccalaureate Programme

GNGHS International Baccalaureate Programme Overview

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, available at GNGHS, is a standardized and rigorous course of study tailored for students aged 16 to 19 worldwide. This program equips students with the essential skills needed for success in the 21st century. The curriculum is meticulously crafted to not only be challenging but also meaningful, well-rounded, conceptual, and interconnected.

IB students at GNGHS are nurtured to think critically, independently, and logically, while honing advanced global competencies and communication abilities. Over the past 50 years, the IB has expanded its reach to more than 150 countries, earning recognition from prestigious universities and colleges globally. The IB Diploma stands as one of the most esteemed credentials attainable by high school students worldwide, with GNGHS being one of the four schools in Maine offering this program.

Meet the GNGHS IB Team

IB Alumni Testimonials

Max Lambert

GNGHS Class of 2016
IB Diploma
College: Washington College Class of 2020
Major: Environmental Studies
Future Plans: Interested in Working with Environmental Conservation and Environmental Policy

Max reflects on how his IB experience at GNGHS equipped him with invaluable skills that seamlessly transitioned into his college life. The ability to conduct thorough research, effectively manage multiple assignments, and engage in sophisticated discussions on complex topics were among the key takeaways from his IB journey. These skills not only prepared him for the demanding college workload but also positioned him ahead of his peers, fostering adaptability and problem-solving prowess crucial for post-high school endeavors.

Olivia Giles

GNGHS Class of 2016
IB Diploma
College: Bowdoin College Class of 2020
Major: Government and Legal Studies
Future Plans: Aspiring Immigration or Public Lawyer aiding immigrants and refugees from the Middle East and Africa

Olivia acknowledges the significant impact of the IB diploma on her academic journey, enhancing her ability to analyze information, write proficiently, and maintain a driven, self-motivated approach to learning. The rigorous nature of the IB curriculum instilled in her a thirst for knowledge and a profound appreciation for education, setting a solid foundation for her collegiate pursuits and beyond.

Sam Shampine

Class of 2016
GNG IB Diploma recipient
Currently pursuing a double major in Math & Economics at Boston University

Sam emphasizes the pivotal role of time management skills acquired during his IB tenure, emphasizing the importance of meticulous planning and organization, which proved instrumental not only in academic settings but also in everyday life. The IB education, renowned for fostering critical thinking and analytical skills, empowered Sam to approach challenges with confidence and innovation, distinguishing him as a proactive thinker capable of effecting meaningful change.

Insights from IB Alumni

  1. Skills Acquired: IB students develop essential skills such as time management, critical thinking, and analytical abilities, which are fundamental for success in college and beyond.
  2. Value of IB Education: The IB program not only garners respect in academic circles but also cultivates independent thinking and problem-solving skills, essential for effecting positive change in the world.
  3. College Preparedness: IB prepares students for the rigors of college life, instilling confidence in handling intense academic demands and honing writing skills essential for higher education.
  4. Unique Aspects of IB Courses: IB projects emphasize the process of learning and problem-solving rather than just the outcomes, fostering a deep understanding of concepts and methodologies.
  5. Global Perspective: IB broadens students’ global outlook, encouraging exploration of diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives, enriching their educational experience and fostering cross-cultural understanding.

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Updated on January 22, 2024