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### Determining the Cost of a Master’s Degree

Master’s Degrees with the Highest Salaries

Computer Science stands out as the Master’s major commanding the highest average salary, as indicated in the report from [source]. The projected average monthly pay for the Class of 2023 amounts to \(110,000. Following closely behind are majors in Engineering and Business, boasting an impressive average annual salary range of \)87,976 to $98,036.

The pursuit of an MBA presents lucrative opportunities across diverse industries. Research conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council reveals that recent MBA graduates could potentially earn an estimated $115,000 annually, demonstrating a rapid return on investment within the first year of full-time employment.

Moreover, a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) is recognized as another highly valuable degree. While the top public MSN programs average around \(27,000 per year, the costs escalate significantly in private institutions, reaching up to \)100,000 annually. Notably, professionals in roles such as Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners enjoy a median annual wage of approximately $125,900.

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