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**Caution Against Undermining the Educational System by the Government**

Opposition Leader Ralph Thorne issued a strong caution to the Mia Mottley administration on Tuesday, warning against any alterations to the education system unless the proposed changes demonstrate progressiveness. Reflecting on the historical socio-economic divisions in Barbados, he emphasized the potential backlash that could arise if the system is meddled with.

Thorne firmly stated, “We are adamant that any educational reforms must be forward-thinking before implementation.” The government has been actively advocating for education reform, culminating in a series of town hall meetings last year to gather public feedback on the suggested modifications, which encompass extensive adjustments to both the school system and the curriculum.

During his response to the prime minister’s Budget address delivered the previous evening, Thorne expressed skepticism towards the government’s intentions, suggesting a retreat from the initially proposed sweeping reforms. He questioned the rationale behind dismantling an institution that had historically empowered the marginalized communities, particularly during the transformative decades of the 1960s and 1970s.

In a passionate address to the House of Assembly, Thorne highlighted the profound impact of education on the socio-economic landscape of Barbados, stressing that a significant portion of the populace recognizes and values the pivotal role of education in their lives. He vehemently opposed any actions that could jeopardize the educational advancements that have benefitted numerous communities across the island.

Thorne underscored, “For many of us, the issues of race and class were not theoretical concepts but lived realities.”(SP)