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### Enhancing Graduate Education at John Cabot University in Rome

Exclusive Interview with Dr. Michèle Favorite, Executive Director of the Graduate Studies Center at John Cabot University Rome

What graduate degree and professional development programs are available at the Graduate Studies Center, and who is the primary target audience?

The Graduate Studies Center provides Master’s programs in International Affairs and Art History, along with a dual-degree MBA in partnership with the Milan Polytechnic School of Management (GSoM). The International Affairs MA and the MBA programs are scheduled to commence in September 2024. Additionally, in the realm of continuing education, offerings include a Master’s in Luxury Management and an Executive MBA in collaboration with Polimi’s Graduate School of Management.

The MA in International Affairs leverages Rome’s strategic location as a pivotal policymaking center connecting Europe, the Middle East, and the Atlantic. Rome serves as the headquarters for the UN’s initiatives on food security and development, hosting diplomatic missions to Italy and the Holy See.

Distinguished as the sole U.S.-accredited university in Rome offering a graduate degree in Art History, the MA program stands out for its exclusive focus on Rome as an academic backdrop.

The dual-degree MBA program is a pioneering initiative blending POLIMI’s technical proficiency with John Cabot’s liberal arts ethos to equip future leaders with a holistic skill set to navigate challenges in sustainability, digitalization, and innovation effectively.

Both institutions hold esteemed AACSB accreditation, with the Milan partner holding a rare “Triple Crown” accreditation, a distinction granted to only a select group of business schools globally. Notably, in 2024, POLIMI GSoM’s MBA programs were ranked 6th worldwide by the Financial Times for international course experience and 2nd in Europe among technical universities.

For further insights, visit our campus at Via della Lungara.

Could you elaborate on the collaboration between the Center and the Graduate School of Management at the Polytechnic University of Milan?

The strategic alliance between the Center and the Milan Polytechnic’s School of Management capitalizes on their complementary strengths. POLIMI’s expertise in technology, engineering, innovation, and design harmonizes with John Cabot University’s excellence in the liberal arts domain.

In addition to the dual-degree MBA program, the collaboration extends to include an MA in Luxury Management and an Executive MBA among the continuing education offerings.

Do the programs primarily attract international students, Italian students, or a diverse mix of both?

The programs draw a diverse student body from across the globe, representing all continents. Embracing diversity enhances the educational experience, fostering awareness, empathy, and informed decision-making.

What sets the JCU Center for Graduate Studies apart, and what prospects await its graduates?

Rooted in over five decades of academic eminence in the liberal arts, the Center stands out for its collaboration with the Milan Polytechnic’s School of Management, offering a unique blend of academic strengths.

Graduates benefit from access to the Career Services Center, a pivotal resource preparing them for professional endeavors and connecting them with over 770 organizations and companies. Beyond academic training, students and alumni are presented with a plethora of internship and job opportunities.

How does the Center’s strategic location in Rome influence the educational experience for graduate students?

Rome’s unparalleled cultural and strategic significance, as a historical epicenter and a bridge between continents, enriches the academic journey for students. Positioned at the heart of the Mediterranean, Rome serves as a nexus between Europe, Africa, and the transatlantic regions, hosting various international organizations and diplomatic missions.