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### Networking Opportunities for Graduate and Professional Students at Events

Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week commenced yesterday with the traditional “Donuts with Deans” gathering at University Hall, bringing together students and deans from various colleges.

The informal event, as described by Mary Stromberger, vice provost for Graduate Education and dean of the Graduate School, offers students the chance to visit the graduate school, interact with different college deans, and enjoy some donuts and coffee. Stromberger emphasized the significance of this occasion in demonstrating care and support for the students.

Matt Page, senior assistant dean for graduate student experiences, highlighted the networking opportunities provided during this week, especially in a relaxed setting where students can engage with individuals from diverse academic backgrounds. He noted the decentralized nature of graduate education, which often limits interactions among students from various programs.

Collaborating with the Council of Graduate Students, Graduate School administrators curate a series of activities throughout the week, encouraging not only group celebrations but also individual academic units to host their own events for students.

Katie Conner, Vice President of the Council of Graduate Students, underscored the importance of fostering informal interactions between deans and graduate students, aiming to create a comfortable environment for all participants. These activities serve as platforms for discussing academic research, campus life, and addressing any questions or concerns that students may have.

Sabrina Durso, President-Elect of the Council of Graduate Students, emphasized how these events facilitate meaningful connections between individuals who may not have previously crossed paths, bridging the gap between online interactions and face-to-face conversations.

The deans, including David Horn from the College of Arts and Sciences and Karen Rose from the College of Nursing, expressed their enjoyment in engaging with students, learning about their experiences, and gaining insights into their academic pursuits. These interactions not only humanize the deans but also showcase the support systems available within the colleges.

As Karen Rose aptly stated, the “Donuts with Deans” event serves as a mutually beneficial platform, offering deans valuable insights into student activities and interests. This exchange of information enriches the academic environment and strengthens the sense of community within the institution.

For further details on the events scheduled for Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week, please visit the provided link.