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### Global Immersion and Diverse Programmes at ESCE International Business School

Dreaming of a profession that transcends boundaries? ESCE, a prominent business school under the OMNES Education group, can turn that dream into reality. With a storied legacy dating back to 1968, ESCE has refined its proficiency in preparing future leaders to excel in today’s globalized environment.

Having been recognized as the 7th best business school for high school graduates in the “Palmares” 2023 rankings and the 3rd in international business education according to “Le Moci” 2022, ESCE empowers students with the expertise, competencies, and global perspective necessary to thrive in today’s interconnected world. Apart from its academic excellence, the institution holds esteemed accreditations such as the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) and QS stars (rated 4 stars), ensuring a top-tier educational experience.

Beyond the accolades lies the multicultural essence of an ESCE education, a facet highly valued by graduates for preparing them to navigate the realities of a globally connected workspace. Through robust partnerships with prominent international networks like Business France and Bpifrance, students have ample opportunities to forge connections both locally and internationally.

ESCE offers a diverse array of programs including the , , and degrees, each customizable to suit individual needs and aspirations.

Presently, 90% of ESCE alumni are engaged in international roles, with 40% working overseas across 80 different countries. Source: ESCE International Business School

The Grande École program shapes individuals into adept managers capable of maneuvering through the intricacies of international business, with a strong emphasis on ethical leadership and cultural sensitivity. By collaborating with industry leaders like Business France and the Foreign Trade Advisors of France, ESCE ensures that graduates emerge as the business leaders of tomorrow.

Whether opting for English or French instruction, delving into specialized fields like International Political Science or International Business, or tailoring your academic journey with meticulously curated courses, ESCE equips you with the tools and guidance needed to carve out the career of your dreams.

The phase is where autonomy, collaboration, and a profound sense of accountability flourish, nurtured by dedicated faculty and challenged by a rigorous academic setting. By alternating between semesters in Paris or Lyon, international exchange programs, and hands-on professional experiences, you solidify your theoretical knowledge in practical settings. The phase is dedicated to enhancing your intellectual prowess as you master sought-after professional skills both locally and globally. This period allows you to refine interpersonal skills, gain valuable experience through a culminating professional placement, and broaden your expertise through a research dissertation.

For those inclined towards a more tailored approach, the program seamlessly blends theory with group projects and business cases, providing essential skills for enhanced employability. With a year-long internship integrated into the curriculum and the option for a third-year apprenticeship, this program propels you towards career success or further academic pursuits.

Personalization lies at the core of the International Bachelor’s experience. From the onset, students can select from specializations like Sports Management and Events, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development, and International Relations and Geopolitics. As you progress, six distinct specializations await in the third year, enabling you to sharpen your focus and refine your expertise.

ESCE students have access to a plethora of educational resources and digital tools. Source: ESCE International Business School

The International Bachelor’s program offers a 100% English study track right from the first year. In the second year, students have the opportunity to spend one or two semesters abroad. Additionally, an optional two-month training program in San Francisco during the third year adds another layer of global exposure.

Furthermore, a collaboration with [ppp1] empowers students to unlock their potential through self-motivation, curiosity, and a commitment to lifelong learning — a sentiment echoed by Laura Ondrušová.

ESCE’s MSc programs provide the essential skills for an international career. Delivered entirely in English, these programs leverage real-world challenges, business cases, and immersive learning experiences. Accredited by La Conférence des Grandes Écoles, the programs cover areas such as Business Transformation and Consulting, International Business Development, International Corporate Finance, Supply Chain Management and Purchasing, and International Marketing. Graduates of ESCE’s MSc programs secure prestigious positions in management, business development, international management, supply chain management, marketing, digital management, and finance.

Irrespective of the chosen program, ESCE equips students with the necessary tools and resources for success. Digital resources and pedagogical aids accompany students throughout their academic journey, enhancing learning outcomes and supporting skill development.

First-year Master in Management student Aymane Loutfi appreciates the campus environment and the opportunity to interact with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. “I had the flexibility to tailor my curriculum and pursue the entire program in English. My experience thus far has been enriching, and I eagerly anticipate the remainder of my tenure here,” Loutfi shares.

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