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### Heating Up: Political Parties’ Election Promises and Foregone…

With elections looming, various political factions are vigorously competing to sway voters, often resorting to negative portrayals of their rivals. Amidst this electoral fervor characterized by a flurry of pledges and criticisms, one crucial issue remains conspicuously overlooked: the pressing need for a robust and inclusive education system.


While the BJP sets its sights on a resounding victory and the Congress grapples to find its footing, both seem to sidestep the critical necessity of revamping education to propel India towards developed nation status by 2047.

The Absence of Education in Political Agendas: A Significant Oversight

While the BJP has outlined numerous legislative aspirations for a potential third term, such as the enforcement of a uniform civil code, the notable absence lies in the neglect of educational reform, particularly the promotion of mother-tongue instruction up to high school.


In contrast to certain state leaders’ decisions to transition to English as the medium of instruction, successful educational models in countries like Japan and Germany showcase the viability and advantages of mother-tongue education. These instances present a viable pathway for India to render education more cost-effective and efficient, a path seemingly disregarded in the political discourse.

The Complexities of Concurrent Jurisdiction

The inclusion of education in the concurrent list empowers both the central and state governments to legislate on educational matters. While this setup holds theoretical advantages, it frequently leads to stalemates when divergent ideologies govern different tiers of administration.


The contentious nature of the National Education Policy exemplifies this challenge, underscoring the hurdles in achieving educational uniformity nationwide. Should the BJP-led NDA government secure a third term, it stands poised to tackle these issues by formulating a comprehensive education policy that incorporates inputs from all states to ensure consistency and affordability.

Envisioning the Future: Embracing a Paradigm Shift

The educational focus should transcend mere modernization or enhanced digital access; it should center on fundamentally reshaping the educational philosophy. Drawing inspiration from the Gurukul system, which prioritized learning over rote memorization, could signify a positive stride forward.

Furthermore, alleviating the exorbitant financial burdens associated with education, commencing from play school admissions, could ease the strain on parents and broaden access to quality education. Achieving this feat would represent a significant milestone for the Modi government, akin to the revocation of Article 370, during its tenure.

The forthcoming elections offer a prime opportunity for political parties to elevate education reform to the apex of their agendas. While leaders vie for supremacy, the true triumph lies in committing to and executing a plan that ensures accessible, high-quality education for all, thereby laying the groundwork for India’s prosperous future.