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### Backlash against Overseas Student Complaining Online

Picture: Pexels

When contemplating a move abroad, the common perception of a better life may not always hold true – the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, or at least not as lush as we imagine.

Despite the myriad challenges faced in South Africa, it’s surprising to discover that similar experiences exist beyond our borders.

This realization struck one social media user who traded the multicultural tapestry of our rainbow nation for pursuing higher education in England.

While European nations are often romanticized for their opulent lifestyles, the truth is that individuals there lead ordinary lives and must attend to mundane household chores.

Venting on his X (formerly Twitter) account, user @itmedew lamented about being tasked with kitchen duties while residing abroad.

In a post featuring a photo of himself scrubbing a frying pan, he sarcastically underscored his lack of enthusiasm with the caption:

“Go study abroad, it will be fun they said.”

go study abroad it’ll be fun they said

— Dew (@itmedew)

Although this adjustment may have been jarring for the young student, his social media followers were far from sympathetic. Instead, many viewed it as a necessary reality check.

Fun doesn’t mean you won’t have to clean the dishes ever

— Aditya Chandra (@iadityachandra)

Wow doing dishes? 😥 That must be sooo tough for you.

— babubisleri (@kaagazkefool)

A third individual echoed similar sentiments:

Wow doing dishes? 😥 That must be sooo tough for you.

— babubisleri (@kaagazkefool)

In a subsequent post, he questioned: “Why is this tweet turning into a Bartan discourse? I just want to go to silly little parties and get drunk bro. Not stay at home on a Saturday night.”

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