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### Meet Keonya Booker: A Key Figure at the College of Charleston

Name: Keonya Booker

Hometown: Lynchburg, Virginia

Educational Background: Keonya holds a B.A. in Psychology and an M.Ed. in School Psychology from William and Mary, as well as a Ph.D. in Education with a focus on Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation from UNC Chapel Hill.

Current Position: Keonya serves as the Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and holds the role of Associate Dean at the Graduate School.

Length of Service at the College: Keonya initially joined the College in 2013 as an adjunct faculty member and transitioned to the tenure track in fall 2014.

Job Responsibilities: As the Associate Dean at the Graduate School, Keonya oversees the review and management of graduate curriculum proposals. She is actively involved in coordinating the assessment of various graduate programs across different schools. Additionally, she plays a pivotal role as an advisor to the Graduate Student Association, offering support for events, programming, and addressing student concerns. Keonya also imparts her knowledge to both graduate and undergraduate students within the Department of Teacher Education.

Key Highlights of the Role: Keonya finds immense fulfillment in engaging with students in diverse capacities, whether through teaching or providing guidance. Witnessing former students excelling as educators brings her great joy and satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions: Keonya often receives inquiries related to assessment and curriculum issues from faculty members. Her typical response is always affirmative, offering her assistance in reviewing Curriculog proposals and assessment reports. On a personal note, she frequently assists individuals in pronouncing her name correctly and humorously mentions that it rhymes with “Tonya.”

Favorite Campus Spot: Keonya divides her time between Randolph Hall and the School of Education. She particularly enjoys strolling through the picturesque Cistern Yard, especially during the autumn season.

Hobbies: Keonya’s hobbies include reading for leisure, engaging in cardio dance sessions, and indulging in the popular simulation game, The Sims, a passion she has nurtured since its inception in 2000.

Proudest Accomplishment: Keonya cherishes the nomination she received from her departmental colleagues for the College of Charleston Distinguished Teaching Award in 2019. Despite not winning the award, she is grateful for the recognition and values her identity as an educator, influenced by her parents’ careers in education.

Recent Enjoyable Experience: Keonya recently relished attending concerts by Janet Jackson and New Edition, artists whose music resonated with her during her formative years. She looks forward to future concerts featuring Madonna and Mariah Carey.

Favorite Childhood TV Show: Growing up, Keonya’s favorite TV show was The Golden Girls, where she identifies most with the character Dorothy, occasionally channeling Sophia’s wit when needed.

Bucket List: Keonya aspires to embark on a month-long journey to Ghana with her husband to commemorate a significant wedding anniversary, possibly marking their 15th or 20th year together.

Surprising Fact: Colleagues might be surprised to learn that Keonya’s first name translates to “little princess,” a name choice her husband humorously attributes to her parents’ foresight.

First Job: Apart from early babysitting ventures, Keonya’s official debut in the workforce was as a retail associate at Cato, a women’s apparel store.

Preferred Lowcountry Dining Spot: Keonya recommends The Glass Onion as a top choice for delectable Lowcountry cuisine.

Ideal Day: Keonya envisions a perfect day as one filled with an enjoyable workout, experimenting with a new cookie recipe, and cherishing quality time with her loved ones.

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