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### Enhancing Awareness of Counterespionage Urged by China’s State Security Authority for Students Studying Abroad

The Ministry of State Security in China has issued a warning urging the public to heighten their awareness of counterespionage measures while studying abroad. This caution comes in the wake of a case shared on its WeChat platform, detailing the account of a former overseas university student who was lured into espionage activities by a foreign intelligence agency during his time abroad.

The individual in question, identified by the pseudonym Zhang, began his studies at a prestigious foreign university in 2006 and was appointed as the class monitor. He developed a close friendship with a school leader known as Kaidi, despite their age disparity. However, unbeknownst to Zhang, this seemingly amicable relationship would lead him down a treacherous path orchestrated by foreign intelligence operatives.

During his third year at the university, Zhang was summoned to Kaidi’s office, where he was introduced to two foreigners named Exxon and Eason. Under the guise of seeking Zhang’s academic assistance, they gradually coaxed him into divulging information about Chinese students at the university in exchange for rewards. As their demands escalated, Zhang found himself ensnared in a web of deceit and manipulation.

Exxon and Eason eventually revealed their true identities as agents of a foreign spy agency, coercing Zhang into joining their illicit operations through a combination of financial inducements and threats. Succumbing to the allure of monetary gain and under duress, Zhang became an unwitting accomplice in espionage activities targeting Chinese students overseas.

Despite harboring ambitions of returning to China for employment opportunities, Zhang’s involvement with the foreign intelligence agency hindered his prospects. Manipulated by promises of academic advancement and career assistance, Zhang succumbed to the pressures exerted by his foreign handlers, leading him to compromise sensitive information and engage in unlawful activities.

As Zhang continued to collaborate with the foreign intelligence agency post-graduation, his actions escalated from information sharing to outright theft of classified documents within his research institute. Driven by a combination of naivety, coercion, and personal gain, Zhang’s descent into criminality culminated in the compromise of vital scientific research data, resulting in severe legal repercussions.

This cautionary tale serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by foreign intelligence agencies and emphasizes the importance of maintaining vigilance against recruitment tactics while abroad. The Ministry of State Security underscores the significance of upholding national security interests and promptly reporting any suspicious activities to the relevant authorities to prevent inadvertent entanglement in espionage schemes.

In adherence to Chinese law, individuals coerced or misled into engaging in activities detrimental to national security abroad are encouraged to seek assistance from Chinese diplomatic missions or national security agencies for protection and potential immunity upon repentance and disclosure of their circumstances.