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### Career Victories: Embracing Calculated Risks

When Isabella Simon ’24 embarks on a risk or makes a significant decision, rest assured it has been meticulously calculated. This methodical approach is quintessential to Simon, a student at Syracuse University, who diligently evaluates the advantages and disadvantages while delving into the facts and figures.

This strategic mindset was evident when she opted to pursue her studies abroad. Furthermore, she demonstrated this same logical acumen in her job quest, ultimately landing a coveted spot in the commercial bank rotational analyst program at Capital One.

Putting her array of skills to the test, Simon initiated a meeting with a Capital One recruiter to explore alternative opportunities. This bold move paid dividends. Simon acknowledges, “Having a robust support system in place, comprising friends, family, and the Orange network, empowered me to take that leap of faith and have confidence in my aspirations.” She adds, “Taking such risks and stepping out of my comfort zone truly laid the foundation for my professional journey.”

Simon, a dual major in finance and public relations, finds the combination to be both challenging and rewarding. She affirms, “The dual majors presented an exhilarating challenge but also offered the flexibility I sought in my academic pursuits.” This diverse skill set equips her with a holistic approach to problem-solving and readies her for the dynamic career paths she envisions. Her coursework at the Whitman School furnishes her with the necessary business acumen, complemented by the critical communication skills honed at the Newhouse School. Simon reflects, “Newhouse equipped me with essential skills in public speaking, presentation, writing, and design, which are invaluable for the challenges that lie ahead.”

Simon Says

Isabella Simon walking in a building on syracuse University’s campus.

Simon, a dual major in finance and public relations, adeptly balances her academic commitments with a myriad of extracurricular activities. These include serving as a Whitman School peer mentor, holding the role of vice president of finance for the Public Relations Student Society of America, acting as a Whitman Student Ambassador, and working as a student engagement assistant in the Whitman Career Center.

Having immersed herself in various facets of Syracuse University—from academics to student organizations—Simon’s experiences have been enriched by an internship at Morgan Stanley in Manhattan. This opportunity, facilitated through a finance program for Whitman School students, provided her with invaluable real-world exposure. Beyond campus borders, Simon broadened her horizons at Syracuse’s abroad center in Florence, Italy, and during a Whitman School immersion trip to Nairobi, Kenya, where she translated classroom teachings into practical applications.

“The flexibility offered by Syracuse University greatly appealed to me,” Simon explains her decision to choose Syracuse. “I sought an environment brimming with academic and social opportunities, and Syracuse met all those criteria.”

One of Simon’s cherished activities is her involvement in the club softball team, a passion that not only serves as a stress-reliever but also aids her in maintaining a balance between academics and her role at the Whitman Career Center. She shares, “Softball practice is my sanctuary where I connect with teammates and draw energy. It serves as an outlet, helping me navigate my daily routine.”

“Syracuse’s flexibility really attracted me. I wanted to be in a place where there were lots of opportunities academically, socially and everything in between.”

Isabella Simon ’24

Simon’s engagement extends to Delta Sigma Pi, a professional business fraternity within the Whitman School, where she has honed her presentation and public speaking skills while forging lasting friendships. Additionally, she assumes the role of vice president of finance for [A billboard with Isabella Simon on it.] and diligently fulfills her responsibilities as a Whitman Student Ambassador, guiding prospective students on campus tours. Her tenure as a Whitman School peer mentor, assisting incoming first-year students, underscores her commitment to fostering a supportive academic environment.

A billboard with Isabella Simon on it.

Simon’s summer internship at Morgan Stanley in Manhattan, specifically within the Operations division on the Global Network and Banking Services team, provided her with invaluable insights and hands-on experience.

Despite her packed schedule, Simon remains unfazed by the multitude of responsibilities. She attributes her sense of calm amidst the busyness to the inclusive and supportive community at Syracuse University. “Every team and group I’m part of offers a unique form of support, catering to different facets of my college journey,” Simon emphasizes. “Engaging in various activities is not overwhelming but rather enriching. It’s an avenue to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and witness the rewarding outcomes of investing time and effort.”

“Even though I’m busy, I don’t feel overwhelmed because the people make me feel involved, impactful and encouraged. Every team and group I’m a part of is a different form of support for different aspects of my college journey.”

Isabella Simon ’24

Global Learning

Isabella SImon posing for a photo with her parents, also SU alumni.

Hailing from River Edge, New Jersey, Simon’s affinity for global experiences is deeply rooted, with her parents also being Syracuse University alumni.

During her sophomore year, Simon embarked on a transformative journey to Kenya as part of the course Managing in a Global Setting. This immersive experience exposed her to various businesses, artisan workshops, and entrepreneurial practices in Kenya, fostering personal growth and a newfound comfort in unfamiliar environments. Reflecting on this experience, Simon shares, “Exploration often leads to unanticipated questions. My trip to Kenya broadened my perspective and catalyzed personal development.” Prior to the trip, Simon and her peers collaborated on projects for the businesses they later visited in Kenya, engaging with staff to address supply chain challenges and marketing strategies, thus establishing a valuable network.

Furthermore, Simon enriched her academic journey by spending a semester studying in Florence in 2022. Stepping away from her finance studies, she delved into art and science courses, relishing the opportunity to savor—and even craft—delectable pasta. Residing within close proximity to Villa Rossa—the [Isabella Simon and friends studying abroad in Florence.]—and the city center, Simon immersed herself in the local culture and language, broadening her global perspective.

“The best places and journeys lead you to questions you didn’t know you had. My class trip to Kenya really deepened my perspective and fostered personal growth.”

Isabella Simon ’24

Finding Balance

Isabella Simon and friends studying abroad in Florence.

In addition to her global explorations, Simon has actively participated in immersive learning experiences, such as the trip to Kenya and her semester abroad in Florence through the Syracuse Abroad program.

Juggling a multitude of commitments comes naturally to Simon, thanks to the unwavering support system comprising her family, professors, friends, and university resources. She draws inspiration from a quote in her room that resonates deeply with her: “I will never again take for granted the people and places I love most.” As she looks ahead to graduation, Simon acknowledges that what she will miss most about Syracuse is its people. However, she eagerly anticipates becoming part of Syracuse’s alumni network, finding solace in the prospect of staying connected with her fellow Orange beyond graduation.


Lisa Maresca


February 09, 2024