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– **Exploring Global Horizons: Seton Hall’s Spring Study Abroad Journey**

Those who attended a Seton Hall men’s basketball game over spring break were given a glimpse of the semester’s Catholic Studies study abroad journey to Italy — Foundations of Christian Culture. The renowned Flag Man, Joseph Mosco, proudly carried the Seton Hall flag not at the Rock, but at the Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples in Sicily. A video showcasing Seton Hall’s visit to this remarkable site was broadcasted during the game.

“After this brief yet exhilarating preview of the Catholic Studies’ study abroad program, many Setonians have shown interest in the study abroad opportunities available at Seton Hall,” stated [Professor’s Name], the director and founding chair of the department. “Our exploration of the fundamental elements of Western culture in this course culminated in an enriching travel experience. We delved into the history of various significant sites across Italy and immersed ourselves in the culture of Sicily, the Amalfi Coast, and Rome.”

To offer a profound perspective on this study abroad adventure, the Department of Catholic Studies invited Diana Malenkova, B.S. ’23, M.S. ’25, to share her reflections. Malenkova, a talented pianist, pursued biology in her undergraduate studies with minors in psychology and chemistry. Currently, she is furthering her studies in biology on the neuroscience track.

Having participated in the Footsteps of the Saints study abroad course in Italy in 2023, Malenkova eagerly embraced the opportunity to join the Foundations of Christian Culture program this year. Her reflections highlight the interaction between the ethos of Seton Hall and the cultures of the visited regions, demonstrating how the program fosters transformative experiences among students, as shared by Murzaku.

Malenkova’s reflections showcase the adherence of herself and her travel companions to Seton Hall’s mission of fostering a diverse and collaborative environment that emphasizes academic and ethical growth. Throughout the trip, they embodied academic curiosity and inquiry, attentively absorbing information during guided tours and fearlessly engaging with the local culture. The group’s dedication to exploring museums and art galleries during free time underscored their appreciation for Italy’s cultural richness and beauty. Every individual they encountered, whether a bus driver, tour guide, priest, or stranger, was embraced like family. The initiative to converse in Italian using Duolingo deepened their cultural appreciation, curiosity, and interpersonal connections. This collective behavior portrayed Seton Hall as an institution that nurtures individuals who are respectful, authentic, and appreciative of the world around them.

During the study abroad journey, Malenkova valued Seton Hall’s commitment to inclusivity and unity among individuals of varied backgrounds. Despite the course’s focus on Christian foundations, students from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds engaged in dialogue, seeking to understand and appreciate each other’s perspectives. The inclusive environment extended to considerations like dietary preferences and allergies, where students and faculty collaborated to ensure everyone’s well-being and comfort. This experience highlighted Seton Hall’s dedication to fostering a collaborative pursuit of truth through the harmonious interplay of faith and reason.

As a Russian Orthodox Christian, Malenkova discovered through the Catholic study abroad program the striking similarities between the Orthodox and Catholic branches of Christianity. Despite minor differences in traditions and practices, the fundamental beliefs in the Trinity and God remained consistent. Her visit to Italy exposed her to the awe-inspiring architecture of Catholic cathedrals and basilicas, which she believed reflected divine guidance in their creation. This encounter reinforced her belief in the unity of different Christian denominations under the same God. The religious dialogue she engaged in underscored the diverse yet harmonious facets of faith, akin to a multifaceted diamond where each religion unveils a unique perspective of the divine.

Details regarding upcoming study abroad opportunities with the Department of Catholic Studies will be disclosed in the forthcoming months.