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### Trump Vows Significant Education Overhaul to Restore Global Academic Excellence

At the 2024 Christian Media Convention organized by the National Religious Broadcasters, former President Donald Trump pledged significant reforms to the American education system if re-elected.

Trump, amidst a cheering crowd, emphasized that a key agenda item would involve reclaiming the education system from what he referred to as “communists and freaks” who are allegedly causing its deterioration. He vowed to immediately issue a new executive order to cease federal funding for any school promoting ideologies such as Critical Race Theory, transgender advocacy, or any other contentious racial, sexual, or political doctrines to children.

Furthermore, he advocated for a policy of universal school choice, advocating for parents to have the freedom to select the most suitable public, private, charter, or religious school for their children.

The concept of school choice has gained significant traction among voters, as evidenced by recent polls. Notably, states like Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah, and West Virginia have already implemented universal school choice policies. Additionally, the governors of Texas, Tennessee, and Alabama are actively supporting similar initiatives within their respective legislative bodies.

In a bold move, Trump proposed the introduction of 529 education savings accounts (ESAs) for homeschooling families to utilize for educational expenses. These accounts, typically designated for higher education costs, could now allocate funds annually for private K-12 education.

A pivotal aspect of Trump’s plan involved granting families equivalent tax benefits for homeschooling their children. He also outlined a radical reform agenda that included the dissolution of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE). Trump articulated his intention to dismantle the federal Department of Education, advocating for a decentralized approach where states could customize education to meet individual needs effectively.

Despite the DOE’s establishment dating back to 1980, Trump criticized its predominant role in redistributing taxpayer funds through grants and loans. By devolving authority to the states, Trump believed that the nation’s declining education standards could witness a positive transformation.

Trump highlighted the disparity between the substantial per-student expenditure in the U.S. compared to other nations and the lackluster educational outcomes. While the U.S. ranks among the top five countries in terms of education spending as a percentage of GDP, Trump underscored the necessity of enhancing educational outcomes through empowering states to spearhead educational initiatives.

In Trump’s vision, withdrawing federal intervention from the education sector, except to facilitate educational autonomy, would pave the way for states to revitalize their education systems. He expressed confidence that numerous states could revamp their education standards to achieve global excellence if granted the opportunity.