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### Bridging the Atlantic: Exploring Connections Across the Pond

I have harbored a desire to study abroad ever since learning that my mother pursued her studies in London at the age of 19. Growing up, my exposure to British culture was through playing the British Monopoly board game and listening to anecdotes about my mother and her study abroad roommate’s escapades. Witnessing how that experience transformed her life fueled my aspiration for a similar impactful journey to broaden my perspectives. Having spent limited time outside the United States, with visits to Germany and a high school trip to Guatemala and Belize, I yearned for a new challenge at the age of 21.

Opting for Winchester over Harlaxton, I embarked on this adventure with minimal preparation, as I realized upon landing in London. The unfamiliarity of handling British currency, deciphering my class schedule referred to as a “timetable,” and the mystery surrounding my roommates left me disoriented. Basic tasks like adjusting the thermostat in my dorm room proved daunting, leading to a chilly awakening at 3 a.m. post-arrival. Fatigue from a 36-hour journey, with minimal sleep, added to the disorientation.

Upon reaching Winchester, the struggle of lugging 100 pounds of luggage down multiple flights of stairs culminated in a disheveled dorm room that seemed more like an asylum than a temporary residence. The shared flat comprised six dorm rooms connected by a hallway leading to a common room. In the absence of roommates, I resorted to deducing their identities from the common room decor, which included a children’s behavioral chart, an American flag, and a dinosaur balloon.

Quickly bonding with fellow UW-Eau Claire students provided a sense of familiarity amidst the chaos. Establishing connections facilitated mundane tasks like grocery shopping and dining out, offering solace in a foreign environment. As my roommates gradually returned, their warmth and hospitality eased my transition, fostering a sense of belonging.

Setting two primary goals for my sojourn – active engagement in school activities and extensive travel – I swiftly made progress with the former. Chance encounters led me to join the yoga club, paving the way for social interactions and invitations to school-sanctioned events like [Student Union event name]. Embracing the opportunity to befriend British students enriched my experience, fostering a sense of home away from home.

Venturing beyond Winchester, excursions to Southampton and a day trip to London provided glimpses of the diverse British landscape. Utilizing the “reading week” for travel, I planned an exploration of Scotland and seized the chance to attend a concert in London, generously offered by a long-lost friend. Subsequent travels to Greece, Italy, and other European destinations during the spring break formed part of my ambitious itinerary.

Navigating the academic rigor of classes in a foreign setting posed challenges, given the differences in coursework structure. Juggling four intensive classes and adapting to the absence of traditional assessments like quizzes and exams demanded a recalibration of study habits. Despite missing my loved ones back home, the excitement of forthcoming adventures overshadowed the pangs of homesickness.

As I immerse myself in this transformative experience, I eagerly anticipate the myriad adventures that await me.

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