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### Statements by Board of Regents and Education Department on Education Reform Legislation Approval

“Today marks a significant milestone in legislative action that is poised to enhance educational outcomes for children in New York State in the long run,” expressed Regents Chancellor Merryl H. Tisch. She extended gratitude to the Legislature and its leadership, including Assembly Speaker Silver, Assemblywoman Nolan, Senate Majority Conference Leader Sampson, Senator Oppenheimer, and Senate Minority Leader Skelos, for their unwavering dedication to fostering optimal educational opportunities for the youth. Special appreciation was also directed towards partners within the State’s education system for their collaborative efforts in resolving complex issues. Mayor Bloomberg and Chancellor Klein were acknowledged for their support towards the Regents reform agenda and the Race to the Top application. Additionally, NYSUT President Richard Iannuzzi and UFT President Michael Mulgrew were lauded for their pivotal roles in developing a fair teacher evaluation system aimed at enhancing educational quality across the state.

Education Commissioner David M. Steiner echoed the sentiment, emphasizing that the Legislature’s actions are a significant stride forward for the children of New York State. He expressed confidence that these measures will bolster the Regents reform agenda, ultimately improving teaching standards and academic achievement, thereby preparing students for higher education and the workforce. The legislative reforms were also recognized as instrumental in enhancing New York’s competitiveness for Race to the Top funding. Commendations were extended to various stakeholders, including school superintendents, school board members, BOCES district superintendents, local union leaders, and charter school leaders, for their contributions in fortifying the state’s application through signed memoranda of understanding.

Senior Deputy Commissioner John King highlighted the transformative impact of the newly approved laws on student achievement statewide. The implementation of a new teacher evaluation system was emphasized as a means to empower educators to refine their skills through targeted professional development and coaching, while also acknowledging exemplary teaching practices. The authorization of Educational Partnership Organizations to oversee schools, particularly those with struggling performance, was underscored as a pivotal step towards school improvement. Furthermore, the legislative adjustments pertaining to charter schools, including raising the cap and enhancing accountability and transparency, were lauded for their potential to elevate student achievement levels. It is believed that these collective reforms will elevate the educational landscape in public schools across New York State, building upon existing successful models and fostering academic growth for all students.