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### How Rich Parents Invest $120K Annually for Top University Admissions

You don’t have to be affluent to achieve success — that’s the unvarnished truth. Nevertheless, having financial resources at the outset of life certainly smoothes the journey to success.

For instance, when it comes to college admissions and gaining entry into prestigious universities, it’s not about favoring the wealthiest students solely based on their financial status. However, affluent families can leverage their wealth to set their children apart from their peers purely through the opportunities it affords.

The privileges enjoyed by the wealthy extend far beyond making donations to universities or having connections on school boards. One significant way in which these affluent students secure their success in higher education is through the utilization of college consultants.

College consultants charge upwards of $100k per family to assist their children in securing spots at top-tier universities.

College consultants, also known as [ppp1], provide an array of services to college applicants — from aiding in the application process to offering valuable insights into the admissions procedures of prestigious institutions.


While their services are not touted as a guaranteed ticket to elite universities, some consultants boast [ppp2] for top-tier schools.

So, what’s the price tag for this service? Parents who opt for these services for their children often shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars to these consultants annually — with some even offering substantial bonuses [ppp3].

While one college consultant stresses the ‘fairness’ of their work, many argue that this service further tilts the scales in favor of wealthy students in higher education.

Regarding assistance with admissions, many affluent students don’t have to grapple with financial aid concerns during the application process, unlike marginalized students who are frequently limited to universities offering financial assistance.

Some universities operate on a “need-blind admissions policy,” meaning they consider a student’s financial aid requirements alongside their application before reaching an admissions decision. However, this form of financial-based bias in college admissions isn’t the root cause of inequity and disparity within the educational institution at large.

Parents Pay $120K A Year To College Consultant So Their Kids Get Into Top SchoolsPhoto: Sshepard / CanvaPro

In addition to the usual stressors of the application process such as grades, interviews, and essays, many students also face financial hurdles in gaining admission to these universities.


Apart from this access, affluent students possess several other advantages that enhance their prospects — from SAT preparation to participation in competitive sports.

Beyond academics, affluent families are more likely to groom college athletes who secure spots at prestigious universities based on their athletic achievements. Why are a significant number of these athletes from affluent backgrounds? It’s because their families invest in their training.

Wealthy parents not only have the means to finance after-school sports, travel teams, gear, lessons, and extracurricular activities, but they can also guide their children through the college recruitment process and help them secure positions on top-tier teams.

As many families are aware, financial strain can directly impact the stability of a household and family. When a household has more financial resources to provide comfort, children are more likely to experience a healthier well-being.

This sense of security at home also correlates with increased productivity and academic performance in school — alongside the additional SAT prep, tutoring, and educational support these families can afford. Therefore, while money may not be the sole key to university acceptance, the advantages it confers from birth to high school graduation could be the deciding factor.

Even marginalized students who gain admission to elite universities face greater challenges in achieving success compared to their wealthier peers.

Even low-income or marginalized students who surmount the barriers to entry into elite universities are more likely to encounter difficulties throughout their academic journey compared to their affluent counterparts.

Without the financial backing of wealthier parents, they often grapple with financial pressures that impede their academic performance, hinder their housing prospects, and introduce various socio-economic obstacles.

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Hence, while the investment of affluent families in college consultants may not directly undermine marginalized students, it undoubtedly contributes to a larger, unjust system.

Similar to numerous other institutions in the U.S., the affluent hold the upper hand, while the marginalized contend with the cyclical repercussions.


Zayda Slabbekoorn is a news and entertainment writer at YourTango, focusing on pop culture and human interest stories.