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### Elevating Teacher Compensation to a Higher Professional Standard

House Education Reform Committee Meeting Screenshot – February 26, 2024

A screenshot from the House Education Reform Committee meeting held on February 26, 2024, captures a significant moment in the committee’s proceedings.

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The House Select Committee on Education Reform has endorsed its report to the legislature, encompassing key findings and recommendations concerning teacher salaries. #nced

On Monday, March 25, 2024, after deliberation, the committee approved a report for submission to the legislature. This report reflects the outcomes of the six meetings conducted during the extended session.

The report addresses various crucial aspects, including teacher compensation, advanced teaching roles (ATR), integration of technology in education, strategies for addressing learning loss, reforms in mathematics education, school performance evaluations, Fund 8 and charter schools, school counseling services, and principal remuneration.

In reference to teacher compensation, the report emphasizes the following points:

“The Committee has identified ongoing challenges in recruiting and retaining highly qualified educators in the state. While acknowledging the efforts of the General Assembly in enhancing teacher pay through initiatives such as increased entry-level salaries, additional funding for educators in underserved areas, and performance-based bonuses, it notes that these measures have not kept pace with the rising living costs, expanding job opportunities for college-educated women, or the remuneration levels in other public sector roles. Furthermore, the current compensation structure fails to ensure adequate staffing of critical subject areas and schools with proficient teachers. As a result, the Committee urges the General Assembly to persist in its support for North Carolina teachers, review existing compensation frameworks, and devise strategies to attract and retain educators in high-demand areas.”

Chairperson [ppp1] expressed, “Elevating teacher compensation to a more professional standard should be our top priority.”

[ppp2] remarked, “There is unanimous consensus on the urgent need to enhance teacher pay to address the significant workforce attrition.”

Watch out for updates during the upcoming short session.

Mebane Rash, the CEO and editor-in-chief of EducationNC, plays a pivotal role in shaping the education discourse.