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**High Interest in Studying Abroad Persists in Türkiye Despite Economic Challenges**

Results from a recent survey conducted online with over 1,000 individuals aged between 16 and 35 in Turkey indicate that 88% of the participants are open to the idea of pursuing studies overseas. This inclination persists despite the notable challenges posed by the country’s inflation rate and the depreciation of its currency. It was highlighted in March that the Turkish currency has experienced a significant decline, losing 40% of its value against the dollar in the past year and 82.6% over the last five years.

The survey encompassed respondents from various regions of Turkey with diverse educational backgrounds ranging from high school to university levels.

Students’ Perspective on Studying Abroad: Balancing Career Prospects with Financial Hurdles

The primary driving force behind the desire to study abroad among respondents is the aspiration for a promising career path (67%), closely followed by personal development opportunities (64%) and the chance to engage with diverse cultures (58%).

Conversely, for those who are hesitant about studying abroad, the primary deterrent cited is financial constraints. The ongoing economic instability in Turkey has exacerbated this issue, with the annual inflation rate soaring to 67% in February, surpassing earlier projections.

Language Proficiency Concerns: A Common Preoccupation

A prevalent concern among students revolves around language proficiency, particularly due to the relatively low English proficiency levels in Turkey. The EF Index ranks Turkey as the second-lowest out of 34 European countries in terms of English proficiency.

Duration Preferences for Study Abroad Programs

Among students considering language education abroad, a significant portion (28%) express interest in programs lasting 48 weeks or more. This is followed by preferences for programs spanning 24–48 weeks (21%), 12–24 weeks (15%), and 6–12 weeks (21%). Less than 15% of students are inclined towards shorter-term language study programs.

Educational Quality Reigns Supreme: Emphasis on Post-Study Work Opportunities

The paramount factors influencing the choice to study abroad include the quality of education (77%) and the potential for post-study employment (62%). Affordability (73%) and the option to work while studying (65%) are deemed crucial determinants. Additionally, the location (deemed “very effective” by 51.5% of respondents) and visa accessibility (46%) play significant roles in decision-making.

Empowering Students as Decision-Makers

In the decision-making process regarding the choice of country and institution for their studies, students predominantly rely on overseas education agencies (35%), followed by social media platforms (31%) and study abroad fairs. While overseas education agencies are a popular resource for navigating the study abroad process, Turkish students also place high value on their personal research. An overwhelming 88% of respondents assert their role as the primary decision-makers in selecting their study destination and program, with less than 10% attributing this responsibility to their parents.

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Most students initiate their application process within 15 months of commencing their research: 15% apply within 5 months, 17% between 6–10 months, and 19% between 11-15 months.

The preferred study destinations among Turkish students currently include the UK (62%), Germany (54%), US (51%), Canada (44.5%), and Italy (41%). Notably, the UK stands out as the most favored destination, despite being relatively less affordable compared to other options and enrolling fewer Turkish students than Germany or the US.

For further insights into the decision-making process of Turkish students regarding studying abroad, please refer to the provided sources.

For additional information and market insights, connect with agents from Turkey and the surrounding regions.