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**Protesters at Macalester College Stage 48-Hour ‘Die-In,’ Urging School to End Study Abroad Partnerships with Israeli Universities**

Students staged a “die-in” on March 5 to protest the school’s connections with study abroad programs in Israel.

The Mac for Palestine Coalition organized a 48-hour “die-in” at Macalester College’s Center for Study Away, urging the institution to sever ties with Israeli universities.

The coalition aimed to occupy the space until their demands were acknowledged and acted upon.

During the protest, participants simulated being deceased on the office floor and displayed signs advocating for a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, along with urging Macalester to terminate its affiliations with Hebrew University and the University of Haifa in Israel.

Signs carried messages such as “History will judge you,” “No more Genocide,” and “Education not Occupation,” as shown in a video released by the coalition.

Gabe, a member of Mac for Palestine, highlighted the coalition’s main concern about Macalester’s partnerships with Israeli universities in an interview with the Mac Weekly. He emphasized Israel’s strategic efforts to build relationships with international students while impeding academic connections with Palestinians.

Despite no concrete evidence of the University of Haifa and Hebrew University discouraging interactions with Palestinian academics, Mac for Palestine contended that these institutions’ involvement in Israeli military initiatives, such as hosting the Israeli Defense Force’s “Havatzalot” program, contradicted Macalester’s values.

As the protest unfolded, support grew, with around 50 individuals joining the occupation of the Center for Study Away. Several faculty members reportedly expressed solidarity with the protesters, engaging in dialogues amid the resounding chants within the building.

The extended occupation prompted a response from the administration, leading Vice President for Student Affairs Kathryn Kay Coquemont to interact with student representatives to address their grievances.

However, later in the day, Interim Director for the Center for Study Away Shanti Freitas announced the institution’s decision not to meet the coalition’s demands, a statement that was overshadowed by protesters expressing their disapproval.

Campus Reform has reached out to Macalester College for a statement. Updates will be provided as necessary.