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### Top Affordable State Schools in the UK for 2024

There are two prevalent topics likely to dominate the conversations at gatherings of individuals in their 30s and 40s: education and real estate, often intertwined. This year, with the upcoming general election and the potential implementation of a tax on private schools, these dual subjects have become more intricate.

The Labour Party has put forth a set of proposals that would eliminate the tax exemption for private schools and apply VAT to school fees, leading to significant repercussions for the entire school-age education sector and property market.

This proposed action, particularly if swiftly enforced, is anticipated to inundate the grammar school system and the top state schools, reducing catchment areas and driving up property prices, as noted by Jonathan Bramwell, the head of a property buying agency. He further emphasizes that some smaller private schools may be compelled to shut down, further burdening an already overwhelmed state education system.

For families on the verge of sending their children to independent secondary schools this September, or those considering relocating to areas with excellent state secondary schools, this development will undoubtedly be a crucial factor to consider.

Recent exclusive analysis has identified and ranked built-up areas (towns, suburbs, and boroughs) based on the percentage of primary school pupils attending outstanding primary schools and the attainment eight score per pupil for state and grammar secondary schools. The top five areas from each region have been selected for further consideration.

Despite the premium prices associated with the top-ranking locations, there are still reasonably priced options available for those open to relocation.

As the general election approaches, it might be an opportune moment to start exploring these areas.