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### 2025 CB Zadian Gentry Reveals Top Five College Choices

McKinney, a three-star cornerback from Texas, has received offers from 31 different programs. However, he has narrowed down his focus to five schools for further consideration.

In his recent announcement, Gentry revealed [ppp1], [ppp2], and [ppp3] as his top choices. Standing at 6 feet 1 inch and weighing 165 pounds, this defensive back has already visited all of his final picks except for the Badgers. He plans to make his first trip to Madison on April 22.

When speaking with On3, Gentry expressed his high regard for Wisconsin, mentioning that they are among his top preferences along with Missouri and SMU. He highlighted the consistent communication he has had with Wisconsin, emphasizing the importance of ongoing contact in his decision-making process.

Looking ahead, Gentry intends to attend spring practices at Baylor, Missouri, and SMU later this month. Subsequently, he has official visits lined up, starting with Oklahoma State from April 26-28, followed by SMU from May 17-19, Wisconsin from May 30-June 2, and Baylor from June 14-16. Additionally, Gentry is working on scheduling an official visit with Missouri.

Gentry anticipates that his next significant announcement will likely be his commitment to a college. He is eager to disclose his chosen destination, a decision that may follow any of his upcoming official visits.

As he evaluates his options, Gentry emphasized the importance of player development in his choice, expressing a strong desire to progress and ultimately pursue a career in professional football.

Among his top choices, SMU, Missouri, and Wisconsin have left a lasting impression on Gentry. His most recent visit was to SMU, where he appreciated the proximity of the campus to his family and friends, potentially facilitating their attendance at his games if he selects this program.

At Missouri, Gentry felt valued and prioritized during his visit, which significantly influenced his decision to include the Tigers in his top five. He acknowledged the program’s successful track record in sending players to the NFL and the positive interactions he had with the coaching staff.

Wisconsin’s active recruitment efforts have not gone unnoticed by Gentry. He looks forward to exploring the campus, facilities, and engaging with the players to gain insights into the student-athlete experience at the university.

Baylor and Oklahoma State are also contenders for Gentry’s commitment, with Baylor having hosted him multiple times in the past. Gentry appreciated Baylor’s willingness to play freshmen and develop young talent, factors that appeal to his aspirations of early on-field contributions.

While Gentry has only visited Oklahoma State once, he has received positive feedback from former teammates currently playing for the Cowboys. He values the relationship he has built with the coaching staff, particularly in discussions about his potential impact on the team.

Overall, Gentry is carefully considering his options, weighing factors such as player development, early playing opportunities, and the overall fit with each program as he approaches his decision.